Dataflow Overview

The Solution Builder dataflow is a visual programming environment in which you specify the desired logic by connecting blocks that represent operations. Each dataflow model belongs to a parent object. The following objects have dataflows:

Dataflows can be converted to dataflow symbols, which packages them as a single block and lists them in the left-hand Symbols pane of all dataflow layouts.

Remote Dataflows

Remote dataflows differ from other types of dataflow as follows:

To create a remote dataflow model:

  1. In the Data panel, right-click downstream > dataflow.
  2. Choose Create Dataflow.
  3. Specify a name for the new dataflow model, and click Invoke.
  4. Choose the new dataflow model at downstream > dataflow.

Block property values in a remote dataflow model appear as metrics in the Metrics panel and can be used like any other metric.

Renderers (which are used by repeaters) and Data panel nodes do not have dataflows.

The Dataflow View

The following image shows the three portions of the dataflow view.

  1. List of the blocks that you can add to the dataflow.
  2. Grid where you add and connect blocks to compose the desired logic.
  3. Properties of the currently-selected block. If no blocks are selected, the properties of the parent component of the dataflow.

To view and edit the dataflow of an object, click its dataflow icon () or right-click it and choose Dataflow.

The following video provides a quick introduction to dataflow programming.

Dataflow Blocks

To create a dataflow model, you add blocks to the model, connect them, and edit the properties of the blocks. In general, blocks are categorized as follows:

You can add blocks to the dataflow model as follows:

To move or duplicate multiple blocks, you can select and group them.

If custom logic is required beyond what can be done with blocks, you can incorporate Scripting Overview.

Block Properties

Blocks can have two types of properties:

Input/Output Property Accepts an input value and returns an output value. Indicated by a notch on the left and a point on the right side of the block.
Output Property Returns an output value but does not accept an input value. Indicated by no notch on the left, just a point on the right side of the block.

To connect blocks, click the point of an output property and drag it to the notch of an input property, as shown in the following figure.

Alternatively, you can bind block properties by dragging an output property to a block or component property in the right-hand properties pane, or from a property in the properties pane to the input notch of a block. To remove a connection between block, double-click the arrow end of the binding line.