The following data sources can provide your Solution Builder application with real-time data from devices or services:
In addition to real-time data, you can import static data, such as .csv files for look-up, into your Solution Builder projects.
DSLinks are agent processes that translate between device-specific protocols and the DSA protocol. To make device data available to Solution Builder using DSA, you install and start the DSLinks that support the protocol for the devices from which you want to stream data. When you download the Solution Builder installer, you can select DSLinks to be included in the download. To install additional DSLinks, right-click sys > link and choose Install Link.
To view the DSLinks you have installed, go to the Data panel and choose sys > link. To start a DSLink, right-click it and choose Start Link. To view the DSLinks that are running, expand the downstream link.
To configure settings for an installed DSLink, start the DSLink, then expand the Data panel downstream node, right-click the DSLink, and enter settings as required by the device protocol.
To view the data being streamed by the DSLink, click a child node of interest. Its data is displayed in the Metrics panel under the Data panel. You can bind these metrics to properties of widget (as shown in the following simple example video) and to logic blocks in dataflows.