The following table lists and describes the properties of Solution Builder components.
Property | Description |
Accept | Specifies the file formats that are accepted by this file chooser. Enter one or more of the following values separated by commas:
Action | |
Actions | Returns a table of the actions that can be taken on this node, such as overriding it. Each row of this table contains a nested table that lists the parameters of that action. To view a nested table, drag a Table dataflow block into the dataflow window, and drag the cell containing the table onto it. |
Active | Sets or returns whether this block is currently listening for the specified event. |
Active Button Background | Defines the fill for active (selected) buttons within this date range picker. |
Add Effect | Attaches one or more filter effects to this component. After selecting a filter from the drop-down menu, click the filter name and specify a value. These effects work only in browser versions that are based on WebKit. They are supported in Chrome, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, Android Browser, and Chrome for Android. They might not work in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Opera Mini. |
Additional Columns | Extra columns to add to each generated series data provider. |
Align | |
Align Labels To Units | By default, labels start at the beginning data. To start labels at the beginning of the specified data interval, enable this option. |
Align Self | Specifies the alignment for the selected item inside the flexible container. The alignSelf property overrides the flexible container's alignment property. |
Alt | For an onKeyUp event, returns whether Alt is still being held, if it was held with the last key typed. For anOnKeyDown event, returns whether Alt was the last key down. |
Alternate Row Fill | Defines the fill for the second group of alternating rows. |
Alternate Row Font Color | Defines the font color for the second group of alternating rows. |
Alternate Row Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the second group of alternating rows. |
Alternate Row Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining the second group of alternating rows. |
Alternate Row Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining the second group of alternating rows. |
Animation Speed | Defines the duration of the callout display animation in seconds. |
Api Key | Specifies the Google Maps API key to use. You are responsible for the use of Google Maps and for compliance with Google's licensing. For details, see Google's Terms of Service for Google Maps and Google Earth. |
Appcodename | Retrieves the internal code name of the browser. However, it is not a reliable source of information and returns "Mozilla" in most cases. |
Appname | Retrieves the name of the user’s browser. However, it is not a reliable source of information and often returns "Netscape" for various browsers. |
Appversion | Retrieves the browser version. It might not be accurate. |
Area Fill | Fill for area series. |
Area Stroke | Outline line style for the area series. |
Area Stroke Style | Outline line style for the area series. |
Area Stroke Weight | Weight of the outline of the area series, specified in pixels. |
Arrow Font | Specifies the font used for the left and right arrow glyphs in the calendar header.To add a new font to your project and use it for this property:
Arrow Image | Specifies a custom arrow graphic that appears if Show Arrow is enabled. If you don't specify an image, a default graphic is used. |
Auto Adjust | Specifies whether the axis range and ticks intervals are determined automatically based on the data feeding the chart. |
Auto Run | When enabled, the operation is executed whenever its inputs change. |
Autocomplete | Enables the browser's autocomplete feature. |
Autofocus | Specifies that an input component automatically get focus when the page loads. |
Autoplay | Specifies whether the video starts playing automatically when the video player component is loaded on the page. |
Autorun | Specifies whether the string is loaded automatically. TRUE FALSE |
Autosize | If TRUE, causes this container to follow the content width. Only works if this container's width or height is set to Auto, and the content's width or height is set to pixels or percent. |
Autosize Content | Specifies whether this group’s content inherits the group size. TRUE FALSE |
Axis Id | |
Axis Maximum | Defines the maximum of the axis range. |
Axis Minimum | Defines the minimum of the axis range. |
Axis Placement | For a vertical axis, specifies whether the axis is positioned on the left or the right of the chart. For a horizontal axis, specifies whether the axis is positioned on the top or the bottom of the chart. |
Axis Stroke Color | Defines the color of the line that represents this axis. |
Axis Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style of the line that represents this axis. |
Axis Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight of the line that represents this axis. |
Axis Type | Defines the scale type of an axis. Linear axis Log axis Datetime axis Category axis |
Azimuth | |
A–Z | Set or return the values of properties that you can use in your script as needed. |
Background Image Transition | Specifies how long, in seconds, the animation of the background image takes. |
Bar Renderer | Specifies the symbol to use for custom bars. To use a symbol from this project, enter the name of the symbol. To use a symbol from another project in your library, enter the path to that symbol. |
Bar Width Ratio | |
Base | Specifies the base for the logarithm. |
Base At Zero | Allows you to change the axis range minimum to decrease unused space on the chart. TRUE FALSE |
Basecolumn | Specifies the name of the table column in which to group values. |
Bold | Specifies whether the text in this component is bold. |
Border | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining this component. |
Border Bottom | |
Border Color | |
Border Left | |
Border Right | |
Border Style Field | |
Border Top | |
Border Type | Defines the type of border for this component. No Border Solid Color Image |
Border Width | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining this component. |
Border Width Field | |
Borderoffset | Specifies the distance into the dash pattern to start the dash. |
Borderpattern | Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to be used, specified as a comma-separated list of lengths. |
Bottom | In absolute layout, sets the bottom edge of this component to a distance above or below the bottom edge of its parent container. In vertical or horizontal layout, sets the bottom edge of this component to a distance above or below its normal position. Distances are either pixel values, or percentages of the parent height. A value of Auto positions the bottom edge of this component in its normal position. To set a value of Auto, click the blue dot and select Reset. |
Bottom Left Radius | Defines the bottom left rounded corner as an arc of a circle or an ellipse. The circle or ellipse is defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Bottom Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the bottom container boundary and the bottommost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. Paddings are part of an object's width and height. See Borders, Padding, and Content Size. |
Bottom Right Radius | Defines the bottom right rounded corner as an arc of a circle or an ellipse. The circle or ellipse is defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Boundsbottom | Specifies the distance from the bottom boundary of the moved object’s parent to the bottom boundary of the area available for moving the object. The bottom edge of the object cannot go beyond this boundary. This can be a pixel value, or a percentage of the parent width. Positive values are inside the parent boundary. |
Boundsleft | Specifies the distance from the left boundary of the moved object’s parent to the left boundary of the area available for moving the object. The left edge of the object cannot go beyond this boundary. This can be a pixel value, or a percentage of the parent width. Positive values are inside the parent boundary. |
Boundsright | Specifies the distance from the right boundary of the moved object’s parent to the right boundary of the area available for moving the object. The right edge of the object cannot go beyond this boundary. This can be a pixel value, or a percentage of the parent width. Positive values are inside the parent boundary. |
Boundstop | Specifies the distance from the top boundary of the moved object’s parent to the top boundary of the area available for moving the object. The top edge of the object cannot go beyond this boundary. This can be a pixel value, or a percentage of the parent width. Positive values are inside the parent boundary. |
Break Apart | Separates an SVG into its component vectors to allow you to edit it within DGLux. |
Buffer Size | |
Buffersize | Specifies the number of rows that the output table can hold. When the buffer is full, the oldest rows are deleted from memory. |
Button Background | Defines the fill for buttons within this date range picker that are not currently active (selected) or moused-over. |
Button Bold | Defines whether the text for buttons within this date range picker is bold. |
Button Border Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining all buttons within this date range picker. |
Button Border Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining all buttons within this date range picker. |
Button Border Stroke Width | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining all buttons within this date range picker. |
Button Font | Defines the font for buttons within this date range picker. To add a new font to your project and use it for this property:
Button Font Color | Defines the font color for buttons within this date range picker. |
Button Font Size | Defines the font size for buttons within this date range picker. |
Button Italic | Defines whether the text for buttons within this date range picker is italic. |
Button Underline | Defines whether the text for buttons within this date range picker is underlined. |
Calcreationpolicy | For browser performance optimization, specifies when memory is allocated for callouts. |
Callback | Specifies the name of the callback function used to retrieve the data. This function must be defined at the URL. You might be able to copy the function name from the URL string, or you might need to find it at the URL. |
Callout Anchor | Two points determine where a callout is placed: the Callout Position and the Callout Anchor. The Callout Position is a point on the target object or the page. The Callout Anchor is a point on the callout itself. The callout is placed such that the two points join. |
Callout Animation Speed | Defines the duration of the callout display animation in seconds. |
Callout Autosize | Determines the sizing relationship between this callout and its symbol. TRUE FALSE |
Callout Bond | Specifies the shape of the stroke that connects this callout to its target. Line Curve |
Callout Bond Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for this static callout's bond. |
Callout Bond Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for this static callout’s bond. |
Callout Bond Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for this static callout’s bond. |
Callout Cache Symbol | Specifies whether to cache the callout symbol after it has been loaded the first time. |
Callout Clip Mode | Specifies how the callout contents is clipped. |
Callout Gap | Defines the amount of empty space, in pixels, that is added to the gap between the edge of the pie and the edge of the labels. Does not define the entire gap, but rather the amount that is added to the default gap. A negative value makes the gap smaller than the default. |
Callout Height | Defines the height of this callout, as a pixel value or a percentage of the height of the page. A value of Auto is intended for use only if the Callout Autosize property is enabled. |
Callout Position | Two points determine where a callout is placed: the Callout Position and the Callout Anchor. The Callout Position is a point on the target object or the page. The Callout Anchor is a point on the callout itself. The callout is placed such that the two points join. |
Callout Relative To | Specifies whether the callout’s Position property, or X Offset and Y Offset properties, are relative to the callout's target component or to the page. |
Callout Speed | Deprecated, replaced by Animation Speed |
Callout Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for the wedge callout lines. |
Callout Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the wedge callout lines. |
Callout Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the wedge callout lines. |
Callout Type | Defines when this component's callout is visible. None Static Mouse-Over Events |
Callout Width | Defines the width of this callout, as a pixel value or a percentage of the width of the page. A value of Auto is intended for use only if the Callout Autosize property is enabled. |
Callout X Offset | Defines the horizontal distance from the left edge of this callout to the left edge of its target. You cannot manually set the X Offset if the position of the callout is set as relative. |
Callout Y Offset | Defines the vertical distance from the top edge of this callout to the top edge of its target. You cannot manually set the Y Offset if the position of the callout is set as relative. |
Case And Mapping | A data mapping compares a binding's source value to one or more Case values in order, until the statement it is evaluating is TRUE:. For numbers, a data mapping checks whether the source value is less than or equal to the Case value. For other data types, the data mapping checks whether the source value is equal to the Case value. When the first TRUE statement is encountered, that Mapping value is assigned to the binding's target. If none of the statements are TRUE, then the default value is assigned to the binding's target. More complex case mappings can be created in the dataflow using the Case block. |
Case N | Specifies a test value to compare with the input. |
Category | Specifies the category to which this column belongs. Must match the Selector property of some other column editor in this grid. For more information, see Using the Category Feature. |
Category Field | Defines the table column that contains category names. |
Category Order | Defines the order of the categories on this axis, as a list of comma-separated values. |
Cell Padding | Amount of padding around cell contents. |
Change N | Defines the property values change for the component at path n. |
Children | Returns a table that lists the children of the specified node. |
Click On | Reflects the 'clicked' state of the component. For internal use, do not set manually or programatically. |
Click Through | Determines whether mouse interactions are permitted on objects that are behind this object. To make an object that is behind other objects accessible to mouse interactions, you must set clickThrough to TRUE on objects that are in front of it. TRUE FALSE Regardless of the value of clickThrough, the Mouse Enabled property must be TRUE in order for any object to respond to mouse interactions. |
Clientheight | Returns the height of the contents of this component, in pixels, when the component is resized. It includes padding, but it does not include the border or horizontal scroll bar. |
Clientwidth | Returns the width of the contents of this component, in pixels, when the component is resized. It includes padding, but it does not include the border or vertical scroll bar. |
Clip Content | Defines the handling of content that overflows this cell. TRUE FALSE |
Clip Path | |
Clip Rule | |
Close Icon | An image to be used as the "collapse," or "close," icon for a node that has children, is currently open, and is not currently selected. |
Close Icon Selected | An image to be used as the "collapse," or "close," icon for a node that has children, is currently open, and is currently selected. Only works if selection is enabled for this tree. |
Clouds Layer | |
Color Field | |
Column | Specifies the name of the table column to sort by. |
Column Editor Selector | Specifies which data types or columns this column editor controls. If the column editor type is All, this property does nothing. If the column editor type is Name, this property specifies the name of one table column. If the column editor type is Repeater, this property specifies which column of the configuration table contains the data table column names. |
Column Editor Type | Specifies the kind of column group this column editor controls. See About Column Editors and Column Order. All Name Repeater |
Column Filter | Specifies the columns for a filter, as a comma-separated list of table column names. Use the Filter Type property to specify whether these columns are shown in this data grid or hidden from it. The order of columns in a whitelist filter overrides the column order in the Outline and the source table. |
Column Label | Defines the label to be used as heading text for columns controlled by this column editor. |
Column N | Specifies a column name in the input table. |
Column Renderer | Specifies the symbol to use for custom columns. To use a symbol from this project, enter the name of the symbol. To use a symbol from another project in your library, enter the path to that symbol. |
Column Series Offset | Moves columns to the left or right by a portion of the maximum column width. The maximum column width is equal to 1/n of the plot area width, with n being the total number of columns for the chart. A Column Series Offset of −0.1 moves the columns to the left by 10% of this maximum width. A Column Series Offset of 0.1 moves the columns to the right by 10% of this maximum width. This property is related to the Column Width Ratio property for the chart. The Column Width Ratio determines the width of each column in the chart as a percentage of the maximum column width. Example |
Column Width Ratio | |
Column1 | Specifies the name of the key column from the input1 table. |
Column2 | Specifies the name of the key column from the input2 table. |
Compare Mode | Defines the Compare Mode of this axis. Use a Compare Mode when you want to overlay data for different dates and times. To configure your chart to start using Compare Mode:
None Hour Day Week Month Year |
Complex Corner Radius | Do not change. For internal use only. |
Computed Interval | Returns the interval between major ticks, which is defined either automatically or by the Major Interval or Data Interval property. This is a read-only property, so changing it does nothing. |
Computed Maximum | Returns the maximum of the axis range, which is defined either automatically or by the Axis Maximum property. This is a read-only property, so changing it does nothing. |
Computed Minimum | Returns the minimum of the axis range, which is defined either automatically or by the Axis Minimum property. This is a read-only property, so changing it does nothing. |
Condition | Specifies the condition of the filter. Use Javascript notation. For example, "Damper_Pos==0" returns all rows where the value of the "Damper_Pos" column is 0. |
Content Height | Returns the height of the group content before scaling happens, in pixels. Scaling is calculated based on this height. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Content Width | Returns the width of the group content before scaling happens, in pixels. Scaling is calculated based on this width. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Corner Radius | Defines rounded corners for this component. Use the 1 option to define a single value for all enabled corners. Use the 4 option to set each corner individually. Click on any of the four corner buttons to enable or disable rounding for that corner. Corners are defined as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value defines the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Creationpolicy | Determines when the children of this container are created, removed, and retained in browser memory for optimizing performance of the following four container components:
Ctrl | For an onKeyUp event, returns whether Ctrl is still being held, if it was held with the last key typed. For anOnKeyDown event, returns whether Ctrl was the last key down. |
Current Month | Sets or returns the month of the current calendar page. |
Current Year | Sets or returns the year of the current calendar page. |
Currentpage | Sets or returns the current page. |
Cursor | Specifies which cursor to show when the user mouses over this component. Only works when the Mouse Enabled property is TRUE for this component and its parents. |
Customcursor | Specifies a graphic to be displayed as the cursor. |
Dashboard | |
Data | Specifies the table that the heat map uses as a data source. |
Data Interval | Manually-specified interval for axis. |
Data Provider | Defines the table that feeds data to this category axis. |
Data Source | Defines the table that controls the SVG repeater. The SVG component repeats once for each row in the table. Table columns can be used to represent attributes of the SVG component, such as style or coordinates. |
Data Symbol (Required) | Specifies the name of the dataflow symbol to be used by this tree. As described here, the dataflow symbol must include input and output tabledata parameters. This symbol takes a one-row table and returns the child table that it refers to, if any. |
Data Units | Defines the units for this Datetime axis. A value of Auto means that units are determined automatically based on the data feeding the chart. |
Datainterval | Specifies the date or time interval between each consecutive pair of data points. |
Datalist | Specifies the predefined colors in this color input component. Predefined colors are not supported in all browsers. Regardless of whether the predefined list is supported, the user can still enter a custom value. Click on a color in the Property Inspector to edit it. Colors are displayed in order in this color input component, with the top color appearing first. |
Datatip | Configures the text displayed in a datatip for a series. Use the tags listed below to format the datatip and include data. Include these tags to format the datatip:
Datatip Mode | Defines datatip behavior. None Single Multiple |
Datatip Position | Specifies where datatips appear, relative to data points. Selecting the top left square of the gadget dictates that datatips appear above and to the left of data points. |
Datatip Renderer | Specifies the symbol to use as the datatip for the series. This property overrides any text entered in the Datatip property. To use a symbol from this project, enter the name of the symbol. To use a symbol from another project in your library, enter the path to that symbol. When you populate this field with a symbol, the datatip renderer appears in the Outline as a child of this series and you can bind table columns to symbol properties in the Property Inspector. |
Datatip Symbol | Defines the symbol that appears as a datatip when mousing over an instance of the SVG in this repeater. |
Date Field | Specifies the name of the column from which to read dates. |
Date Format | Use local or server time zone and format. |
Date Format String | Defines the date format used by the component, as a date format string. If null, the string "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" is used. See date formatting help here. |
Date Range | Manually-specified range of dates for axis. |
Date Range Duration | The duration of the currently selected date range, in milliseconds. |
Datecolumn | Specifies the name of the table column that holds the dates. |
Day | Returns the day of the month as a number from 1 to 31. |
Day Of Week Names | Defines the day of the week names that appear on the calendar, as a comma-separated list of 7 values. The first value is mapped to Monday and the last value to Sunday, regardless of the currently selected First Day of Week. Must be 7 values in order for defined names to take effect. |
Day Of Week Style | For internal use, do not change, |
Days Of Week Bold | Specifies whether the names of the days of the week are bold. |
Days Of Week Corner Radius | Defines the corner radius for the cells containing the names of the days of the week, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Days Of Week Fill | Defines the fill for the cells containing the names of the days of the week. |
Days Of Week Font | Specifies the font for the names of the days of the week. To add a new font to your project and use it for this property:
Days Of Week Font Color | Defines the font color for the names of the days of the week. |
Days Of Week Font Size | Defines the font size for the names of the days of the week. |
Days Of Week Italic | Specifies whether the names of the days of the week are italic. |
Days Of Week Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the cells that contain the names of the days of the week. |
Db | Specifies the database type. This field is automatically populated when you drag the block from the Data panel. |
Default | A value to assign to the target if none of the expressions are TRUE. |
Default Cell Align | Default alignment for text items. |
Default Cell Font Color | Default color for text items. |
Default Cell Font Family | Default font family for text items. |
Default Cell Font Size | Default size for text items. |
Default Cell Font Style | Default style for text items. |
Default Cell Font Weight | Default weight for text items. |
Default Cell Padding Bottom | Default padding below cell contents. |
Default Cell Padding Left | Default padding left of cell contents. |
Default Cell Padding Right | Default padding right of cell contents. |
Default Cell Padding Top | Default padding above cell contents. |
Default Cell Vertical Align | Default vertical alignment for cell contents. |
Delay | Sets the length of the delay, in seconds. |
Deleteemptyfile | Specifies whether to delete the file if data is null. TRUE FALSE |
Delimiter | Specifies the character that separates items in the CSV string. Typically this is a comma (,). |
Delta | Specifies what is in each value column of the output table.
Description | Returns your description of this project. Add a description by selecting Project > Project Properties. |
Deselect Child On Click | If the container's selection mode is single-select, this property enables the user to deselect a selected item by single-clicking it. |
Destination | |
Device Id | |
Dgtabindex | Defines the focus order of a component within its container. |
Dialog Background | Defines the background color for this date range picker. |
Direction | Defines the direction toward which the series slides. For example, if this property is set to Left, the series slides onto the chart from right to left. |
Disable Selection Of Future Dates | Determines whether it is possible for the user to select future dates. TRUE FALSE |
Disclosure Icon Color | A color to be used for the default "expand" and "collapse," or "open" and "close," icons for a node that has children and is not currently selected. |
Disclosure Icon Selected Color | A color to be used for the default "expand" and "collapse," or "open" and "close," icons for a node that has children and is currently selected. Only works if selection is enabled for this tree. |
Display | Defines whether this component is displayed. If it is not displayed, the component does not affect layout. However, regardless of value, the component is stored in the user's browser memory. Performance might be affected as a result. TRUE FALSE |
Display As Password | |
Display Name | Defines the display name of this series. You can choose to have this name appear in your interface, for example in datatips. |
Drag Data | Defines custom data that is passed in @onDragDrop event, which is fired on the drop container when the user drops the component. |
Drag End | |
Drag Start | |
Drag Symbol | Name of symbol that is displayed when the component is being dragged. Not supported by Internet Explorer. |
Dragdata | Returns the binary data of the file that is dropped onto this component. To use this property, you must do the following:
Dragend | Specifies the event that stops moving the object. Typically, this is the onMouseUp event for the child. In that case, find the event in the child’s Advanced properties, and bind it to this property. |
Draggroup | An identifier used by the drop target to determine if it accepts the component. The target component DropGroup property contains a comma-separated list of acceptable identifiers. |
Dragmode | Specifies restrictions on the direction of resizing. maxWidth maxHeight dragMode |
Dragsource | Returns the ID of the component that is dropped onto this component. To use this property, you must do the following:
Dragstart | Specifies the event that starts moving the object. Typically, this is the onMouseDown event for the child. In that case, find the event in the child’s Advanced properties, and bind it to this property. |
Dragwirecolor | For draggable components, specifies the color for a connector displayed between the component’s original location and its current location. |
Dragwireopacity | For draggable components, specifies the opacity for a connector displayed between the component’s original location and its current location. |
Dragwirestartposition | For draggable components, specifies the start position, relative to the component, of a connector displayed between the component’s original location and its current location. |
Dragwirestyle | For draggable components, specifies the style for a connector displayed between the component’s original location and its current location. |
Dragwirewidth | For draggable components, specifies the width in pixels for a connector displayed between the component’s original location and its current location. |
Drilldowndepth | Specifies how far to drill down into the JSON when extracting data. Data below the drillDownDepth is not included in the output. Only works when a drillDownFilter or flatFilter is specified. |
Drilldownfilter | Specifies what to return for nested tables. Enter * to return all nested tables to the specified drillDownDepth. For more information about nested tables, see How do I view the data in nested tables? |
Drop Group | For components that accept drops, a comma-separated list of accepted identifiers that are matched against the dragGroup property of the component being dropped. |
Droppable | Enabled if the component can be dropped by the user. |
Duration | Returns the duration of the currently selected range, in milliseconds. |
Duration Back | |
Durationback | Defines the duration of the transition when the state is reverted. |
Easing | Specifies the rate of change over time for this animation. Linear Ease In Ease Out Ease In Out Cubic In Cubic Out Cubic In Out Elastic In Elastic Out Elastic In Out Bounce |
Easing Back | Specifies the rate of change over time for this animation in reverse - see the 'Easing' property for details. |
Editable | Specifies whether the user can edit the text in this component at runtime by clicking it. |
Editor Complex Corner Radius | Do not change. For internal use. |
Editor Placeholder | |
Editor Tooltip | |
Editor Type | |
Eep | |
Element Offset | Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the animation of each component in the series is delayed. A value of zero means that all components in the series begin animating at the same time and finish at the same time. A value of 1 means that the second component starts and finishes animating one second after the first component, and so on. The Element Offset and Minimum component Duration properties can cause the animation duration to be longer than that specified by the Duration property. |
Elementclass | Specifies a CSS class for the component, to enable JavaScript programs to locate components to which they require access. |
Elementid | Specifies an HTML ID for the component, to enable JavaScript programs to locate components to which they require access. |
Elevation | |
Ellipsis | Enables or disables display of an ellipsis (...) to indicate content that is too long to display in the field. |
Else | Specifies the value to return if the expression evaluates to FALSE. To display the word FALSE, use the logical value FALSE for this parameter. else can be an input from another block or set of blocks, including formulas. |
Enabled | Specifies whether the history loader is enabled. TRUE FALSE |
Enableoutput | Enable population of the repeater output table. |
End | Determines the position of the last character to extract. |
End Angle | Defines the end angle of the circular scale. A value of zero indicates the top of the circle. Valid values are between −180 and 180. |
End Thickness | Defines the thickness of the scale track at its end, as a pixel or percentage value. For circular scales, a percentage is a portion of the circle’s radius. For linear scales, a percentage is a portion of the entire container width. |
Enum | Returns the names of the enum options, if applicable. For a boolean value, this column holds the strings associated with each value, such as "On" and "Off". |
Enum Labels | |
Enums | |
Error | Returns the error message, if any. |
Errorgroup | Determines the string that identifies the error group. The errorGroup property of the Catch Error block must be identical to the errorGroup property of all blocks that this Catch Error block monitors. |
Event | Returns the event type that this listener heard. |
Expand All Nodes | This property is visible only when Load All Nodes is TRUE. It determines whether to expand all nodes after they are loaded. |
Explode Radius | Defines the distance that the series is exploded, as a percentage of the outer radius of the chart. Wedges move away from the center by this distance without changing their shape. |
Expression | The Expression is the string used to format the source value to create the target value. The Expression can include a number format pattern, and other strings, such as units. Specify number format patterns in square brackets ([]). The string value enclosed in square brackets becomes the exact source value, as a string. Examples: Source: 5 Expression: [#0.00] Target: "5.00" Source: 13000.6 Expression: [#,##0.00] Target: "13,000.60" Source: 47 Expression: [0] hours Target: "47 hours" Source: 17.8 Expression: [#0] °C Target: "18 °C" Source: 63.21 Expression: [value] hours Target: "63.21 hours" |
Falloff | Defines the percentage of each heat map item that is covered by the highest intensity color for that shape. The specified inner portion of the shape is covered by the color representing the intensity of the data point. The remaining outer portion of the shape blends from the color of this intensity value to the color of an intensity value of zero. |
False Label | |
Fastresponse | Determines whether the fastResponse feature is enabled. Use this feature when you troubleshoot performance speed issues relating to this block. TRUE FALSE |
Field | Defines the table column that contains the pie chart series data that determines wedge size. |
File Content | Displays the content of the selected file as a string or binary. |
Filename | Specifies a name for the exported file. If blank, the HTML contents are returned as a string in output and are not downloaded. |
Filepaths | Specifies the list of paths to the files to convert, separated by line breaks. Do not use commas to separate file names. You can drag files from the Project panel to this field. Press Alt + Enter to create line breaks. |
Fill | Defines the fill for this component. |
Fill Rule | |
Fill Type | Defines the type of fill for this component. No Fill Solid Color Gradient Image |
Filter | Specifies a string that file names must include to be listed, such as a file extension. Directories are always included in the output if mode is All or Directories. They are not filtered by this property.
Filter Height | SVG filter height |
Filter Type | Specifies how this filter handles the listed columns. Whitelist Blacklist |
Filter Units | |
Filter Width | SVG filter width |
Find N | Specifies the text to find. |
First Day Of Week | Defines the day of the week that appears in the leftmost column of the calendar. |
Firstpage | Changes the output table to the first page. |
Flatfilter | Specifies what to return for a flat table. Enter * to return all data to the specified drillDownDepth, in a flat table. |
Flex-Grow | Specifies how much this component will grow relative to the other flexible items inside the same container. A value greater than zero indicates that this component will grow to absorb extra space. The amount that it grows depends on its flex-grow factor and the sum of all the flex-grow factors assigned to items in the container. For more information on flexible items go to: |
Flex-Shrink | Specifies how much this component will shrink relative to the other flexible items inside the same container. A value greater than zero indicates that this component will shrink to counteract insufficient space. The amount that it shrinks depends on its flex-shrink factor and the sum of all the flex-shrink factors assigned to items in the container. For more information on flexible items go to: |
Focus | Give the focus to the component. |
Focus Background Color | Background color when subelement has focus. |
Focus Color | Text color when subelement has focus. |
Focus Type | Defines the sequence in which components are searched to find the next focusable component:
Focusable | When enabled, allows the component to have focus. |
Focused | TRUE if the component has focus. |
Focused Row Fill | Defines the fill for the row in the data grid that is in focus. When the user mouses over the row, the hovered row properties override the focused row properties. |
Focused Row Font Color | Defines the font color for the row in the data grid that is in focus. When the user mouses over the row, the hovered row properties override the focused row properties. |
Focused Row Index | Index of the row that has focus in the datagrid. |
Focused Row Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the row in the data grid that is in focus. When the user mouses over the row, the hovered row properties override the focused row properties. |
Focused Row Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining the row in the data grid that is in focus. When the user mouses over the row, the hovered row properties override the focused row properties. |
Focused Row Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining the row in the data grid that is in focus. When the user mouses over the row, the hovered row properties override the focused row properties. |
Folder | Specifies the project folder where the files are to be inserted. |
Follow For | Do not change. For internal use. |
Follow Path Base Rotation | Defines a rotation for the component, as an angle. If the Follow Path Rotation property is set to TRUE, this base value becomes a constant that is added to the path-based rotation. |
Follow Path Position | Defines how far along the path this component is located. Typically, a value of 0% indicates the top-left corner of the path. Valid values are between 0% and 100%. |
Follow Path Rotation | Specifies whether this component rotates as it follows its path. TRUE FALSE |
Font | Specifies the font for this component. To add a font to your project and use it for this property:
Font Color | Defines the font color for this component. |
Font Size | Defines the font size for this component. |
Font Smoothing | Specifies the application of anti-aliasing to font rendering. |
Format | Specifies a combination of number format patterns to use. For example, you can format the value to be displayed as "1,050.40" by using the string "#,###.00". |
Format String | Defines the format used for the axis labels. For example, a Datetime axis might use the string "MM/dd/yyyy", and a number axis might use the string ",##0.00". See here for a complete list of formats. |
Formatted | |
Formatted Value | Returns a formatted version of the Value property. The format is determined using the Date Format String, Range Delimiter, and Keep Special Value properties. Changing this property changes the text displayed in this date range component, but it does not change the Value selected. |
Frame Animator | Specifies whether the image component animates a specified list of frames. The image defined by the URL property is displayed only when the animation is not active. |
Frame Index | Returns the index of the frame currently displayed in the animation. The image defined by the URL property is 0, the topmost frame in the animation sequence is 1, and so on. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Frames | Specifies the paths to each of the frames in the animation sequence. Click Add to add frames, and then specify an image path for each frame. |
Full Path | |
Get Table | |
Global | Specifies whether this block sets and returns the global or non-global value for the key. TRUE FALSE |
Gradient Angle | Specifies the angle of the line that defines this linear gradient. Valid values are between −180 and 180. |
Gradient Center X | Specifies the distance from the leftmost edge of the container to the center of the circle or ellipse that defines this radial gradient, as a pixel value or a percentage of the container width. |
Gradient Center Y | Specifies the distance from the topmost edge of the container to the center of the circle or ellipse that defines this radial gradient, as a pixel value or a percentage of the container height. |
Gradient Fill | Defines the colors for a gradient fill. To add colors, click below the track in the dialog. To delete colors, right-click on them in the dialog. For a heat map, the left color indicates the lowest intensity, middle colors indicates medium intensity, and the right color indicates the highest intensity. |
Gradient Repeat | Specifies whether this gradient repeats to fill this component. Only appies if the track that defines the gradient has either a left edge or a right edge that is undefined. |
Gradient Shape | Specifies whether this radial gradient is defined by a circle or an ellipse. |
Gradient Size | Specifies the size of the circle or ellipse that defines this radial gradient. Absolute Farthest Corner Closest Side Farthest Side Closest Corner |
Gradient Size X | Specifies the horizontal radius of the circle or ellipse that defines this radial gradient, as a pixel value or a percentage of half the container width. |
Gradient Size Y | Specifies the vertical radius of the ellipse that defines this radial gradient, as a pixel value or a percentage of half the container height. |
Gradient Type | Specifies whether a radial or linear gradient fills this component. To add colors to the gradient, click below the track in the dialog. To delete colors, right-click on them. To move colors, left-click them and drag. Linear Radial |
Gray Out Component | Specifies whether the callout’s target becomes inactive and faded when the modal callout is displayed. |
Grid.Cell Padding | |
Grid.Default Cell Font Color | |
Grid.Default Cell Font Family | |
Grid.Default Cell Font Size | |
Grid.Default Cell Font Style | |
Grid.Default Cell Font Weight | |
Grid.Default Cell Keep Equal Paddings | |
Grid.Default Cell Padding Bottom | |
Grid.Default Cell Padding Left | |
Grid.Default Cell Padding Right | |
Grid.Default Cell Padding Top | |
Grid.Grid Mode | |
Grid.Header Align | |
Grid.Header Background | |
Grid.Header Border | |
Grid.Header Border Style | |
Grid.Header Border Width | |
Grid.Header Font Color | |
Grid.Header Font Family | |
Grid.Header Font Size | |
Grid.Header Font Style | |
Grid.Header Font Weight | |
Grid.Header Height | |
Grid.Header Padding Bottom | |
Grid.Header Padding Left | |
Grid.Header Padding Right | |
Grid.Header Padding Top | |
Grid.Header Vertical Align | |
Grid.Keep Equal Header Paddings | |
Grid.Row Background | |
Grid.Row Background Focus | |
Grid.Row Background Hover | |
Grid.Row Background Select | |
Grid.Row Background2 | |
Grid.Row Border | |
Grid.Row Border Focus | |
Grid.Row Border Hover | |
Grid.Row Border Select | |
Grid.Row Border Style | |
Grid.Row Border Style Focus | |
Grid.Row Border Style Hover | |
Grid.Row Border Style Select | |
Grid.Row Border Width | |
Grid.Row Border Width Focus | |
Grid.Row Border Width Hover | |
Grid.Row Border Width Select | |
Grid.Row Border2 | |
Grid.Row Border2 Style | |
Grid.Row Border2 Width | |
Grid.V Header Grid Color | |
Grid.V Header Grid Stroke | |
Grid.V Header Grid Width | |
Gridlines | Defines whether the Property Inspector displays property editing options for horizontal gridlines, vertical gridlines, or both. Changing this property does not reset any gridline properties. |
H | |
Has Children Column (Recommended) | Contains the name of a column in this tree's source table. This column indicates whether items in the tree have children and whether the disclosure icon is displayed. All values are considered TRUE except:
Haschildren | Returns TRUE if the node has children, FALSE if it is terminal. |
Hash | Sets or returns the string to appear after the hash (#) symbol in the URL. This allows you to create deep links and custom experiences based on data, properties, or user interaction. The hash value is saved across sessions and browser windows. The browser’s Back and Forward commands iterate through hash addresses. |
Hashistory | Returns TRUE if the node is associated with a value history, FALSE otherwise. |
Hastouch | Returns whether the user’s device has a touch screen. |
Hasvalue | Returns TRUE if the node is associated with a value, FALSE otherwise. |
Header | Specifies which string is used to name the "value" column in the output table.
Header Align | Horizontal alignment of text in headers. |
Header Bold | Defines whether the header text is bold. |
Header Bottom Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the bottom container boundary and the bottommost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Header Fill | Defines the fill for the header. |
Header Font | Specifies the font for this component. To add a font to your project:
Header Font Bold | Specifies whether the text in this component is bold. |
Header Font Color | Defines the font color for this component. |
Header Font Family | Font family for header text |
Header Font Italic | Specifies whether the text in this component is italic. |
Header Font Size | Font size for header text |
Header Font Style | Font style for header text |
Header Font Weight | Font weight for header text |
Header Height | Defines the height of the calendar header, as a pixel value or Auto. A value of Auto means that the height of the header is equal to other calendar cells, and therefore depends on the calendar height. |
Header Horizontal Alignment | Specifies whether the content in the header is left-justified, centered, or right-justified. |
Header Horizontal Gridline Stroke Color | Defines the color for the horizontal lines that divide the column headings and category headings. |
Header Horizontal Gridline Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the horizontal lines that divide the column headings and category headings. |
Header Horizontal Gridline Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the horizontal lines that divide the column headings and category headings. |
Header Italic | Defines whether the header text is italic. |
Header Left Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the left container boundary and the leftmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Header Outline Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining this data grid's header. |
Header Outline Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining this data grid's header. |
Header Outline Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining this data grid's header. |
Header Padding Bottom | Specifies, in pixels, the amount of padding below the datagrid headers. |
Header Padding Left | Specifies, in pixels, the amount of padding left of the datagrid headers. |
Header Padding Right | Specifies, in pixels, the amount of padding right of the datagrid headers. |
Header Padding Top | Specifies, in pixels, the amount of padding above the datagrid headers. |
Header Right Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the right container boundary and the rightmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Header Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the header. |
Header Symbol | Defines the symbol that appears in the header of the columns affected by this column editor. If the symbol is in this project, enter the name of the symbol. To use a symbol from another project in your library, enter the path to that symbol. |
Header Top Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the top container boundary and the topmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Header Vertical Align | Vertical alignment of text in headers. |
Header Vertical Alignment | Specifies whether the content in the header is positioned at the top, middle, or bottom of the container. |
Header Vertical Gridline Stroke Color | Defines the color for the vertical lines that divide the column headings. |
Header Vertical Gridline Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the vertical lines that divide the column headings. |
Header Vertical Gridline Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the vertical lines that divide the column headings. |
Header Vertical Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for the vertical lines that divide the column headers. |
Header Vertical Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the vertical lines that divide the column headers. |
Header Vertical Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the vertical lines that divide the column headers. |
Headercolumn | Specifies the column from the input table to use as headers in the output table. |
Headerprefix | Specifies the text string to include before the column number for each column header in the output table. The headerPrefix property works only when the headerColumn property is null. |
Headers | Sets the headers for the HTTP request. Use the following syntax: abc=abc&def=def |
Height | Retrieves the height of the usable portion of the user’s browser window in pixels. |
Hide Back Face | Specifies whether a component is visible when it is not facing the screen. Useful when an component is rotated and you do not want to see its back side. Not supported by iOS. |
Hide Callout | Hides the callout. You can bind data or properties to this button, or click it as part of a recorded action. |
Hide If Over | Determines whether mousing over the callout causes it to disappear. |
Hide Timeout | Defines the time, in seconds, that a mouse-over callout or event callout is displayed before it automatically fades out. A value of zero means that the callout will not fade based on timeout. |
High Separator Color | Color that is used for value between middle and maximum. |
Highlighted Cells Bold | Specifies whether the text in highlighted cells is bold. |
Highlighted Cells Corner Radius | Defines the rounded corners for the cells the user mouses over, or the highlighted cells specified using the Property Inspector, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Highlighted Cells Fill | Defines the fill for highlighted the cells the user mouses over, or the highlighted cells specified using the Property Inspector |
Highlighted Cells Font | Specifies the font for numbers in the cells the user mouses over, or the highlighted cells specified using the Property Inspector. To add a font to your project:
Highlighted Cells Font Color | Defines the font color for numbers in the cells the user mouses over, or the highlighted cells specified using the Property Inspector. |
Highlighted Cells Font Size | Defines the font size for numbers in the cells the user mouses over, or the highlighted cells specified using the Property Inspector. |
Highlighted Cells Italic | Specifies whether the text in highlighted cells is italic. |
Highlighted Cells Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the cells the user mouses over, or the highlighted cells specified using the Property Inspector |
Highlighted Days | Sets the highlighted days, as a list of comma-separated values with the format "yyyy-MM-dd". For more information about date formats, see the DGLux wiki. |
Highlighted Style | For internal use, do not change. |
Horizontal Alignment | Determines how components are horizontally aligned. Left Center Right |
Horizontal Alternate Fill | Defines the second of two fills that alternate in the plotting area between horizontal gridlines. |
Horizontal Center | In absolute or vertical layout, sets the horizontal center of this component to a distance to the left or right of the the horizontal center of its parent container. The value can be pixels, or a percent of the parent width. AA negative value moves this component to the left, and a positive value moves it to the right. A value of Auto positions the horizontal center of this component in its normal position in the layout. To set a value of Auto, click the blue dot and select Reset. |
Horizontal Change Count | |
Horizontal Fill | Defines the first of two fills that alternate in the plotting area between horizontal gridlines. |
Horizontal Focus | Together with Vertical Focus and Relative To, determines the focal point of the zoom animation. Left Right Center Null |
Horizontal Gap | Defines the minimum number of pixels between components in a horizontal layout, or between columns in a wrapped vertical layout.
Horizontal Gridline Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for this data grid's horizontal gridlines. To define the line between the top row of data and the header, use the header's Fill and Stroke properties. |
Horizontal Gridline Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for this data grid's horizontal gridlines. To define the line between the top row of data and the header, use the header's Fill and Stroke properties. |
Horizontal Gridline Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for this data grid's horizontal gridlines. To define the line between the top row of data and the header, use the header's Fill and Stroke properties. |
Horizontal Origin Stroke | |
Horizontal Origin Stroke Weight | |
Horizontal Scrollbar Height | Defines the height of the horizontal scrollbar on this container, as a pixel value or a percentage of the container height. |
Horizontal Scrolling | Defines horizontal scrolling behavior on this component. Off On Auto |
Horizontal Show Origin | |
Horizontal Spacing | Defines the amount of empty space, in pixels, between columns in the calendar. |
Horizontal Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for horizontal gridlines. |
Horizontal Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for horizontal gridlines. A stroke weight greater than 0 overrides a stroke style of None. |
Horizontal Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for horizontal gridlines. |
Horizontal Tick Aligned | Defines where horizontal gridlines are placed. TRUE FALSE |
Horizontal Zoom Maximum | Sets or returns the maximum of the range on the horizontal axis for the zoomed view. If either Minimum or Maximum is null, the zoom does not happen. Zooming works only with linear, log, and datetime axes. For dates, use the format "yyyyMMdd". |
Horizontal Zoom Minimum | Sets or returns the minimum of the range on the horizontal axis for the zoomed view. If either Minimum or Maximum is null, the zoom does not happen. Zooming works only with linear, log, and datetime axes. For dates, use the format "yyyyMMdd". |
Horizontal Zoom Trigger | Zooms the chart to the range specified by the Horizontal Zoom Minimum and Maximum. To return the chart to its pre-zoom view, the user can click on the chart. Zooming works only with linear, log, and datetime axes. |
Host | Returns the path to the host of this project. |
Hour | Specifies the hour of the day, from 0 to 23. Can be a positive or negative integer. |
Hovered Button Background | Defines the fill for the button that the user mouses over, within this date range picker. |
Hovered Index | Index of the datagrid row where the mouse is hovering. |
Hovered Row Fill | Defines the fill for the row that the user mouses over. |
Hovered Row Font Color | Defines the font color for the row that the user mouses over. |
Hovered Row Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the row that the user mouses over. |
Hovered Row Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining the row that the user mouses over. |
Hovered Row Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining the row that the user mouses over. |
Href | |
Icon | Returns the absolute file path to the icon that represents the node. |
Iframe Scrolling | Specifies whether scrolling is enabled on the IFrame component. If this is disabled, then content that overflows the component is clipped. |
Ignore Bounds | When enabled, allows callouts to go out of the container's boundary. |
Ignore Cols | |
Ignore Default Style | |
Ignorecolumns | Specifies the names of columns in the input table to ignore when transposing, as comma-separated values. |
Ignorenullvalue | |
Image Max Zoom | Sets the maximum zoom level for the map when displaying image tile overlays. |
Image Pattern | |
Image Tile Size | Specifies the size of map tiles. |
Includeblankvalue | Specifies whether to include a row for a blank value of baseColumn, if a blank value exists. |
Includeheaders | Specifies whether the header row from the input table is included as a column in the output table. |
Indent | Defines the number of pixels by which each level in the tree is indented. If an image is specified for the Open Item Icon and Close Item Icon properties, then Indent also controls the width of this image. |
Index | Returns the index of the input n value that was updated most recently. The index is the number in the input's property name. For example, when input 0 updates at 11:00am, and input 1 updates at 11:05am, index is 1 because input 1 updated last. |
Indexes | Specifies the columns in the input table to select, as comma-separated column names. |
Iniframe | Returns whether this instance of the project is within an IFrame. |
Initfunction | Specifies the name of the init function in the file. |
Initialscale | Determines the zoom level at which the project is opened. Only applies to mobile devices. A value of 1 Values greater than 1 Values less than 1 |
Inner Radius | Defines the radius for the blank area in the center of the pie chart. This blank area is useful for creating multilevel pie charts and doughnut charts. |
Inner Radius In Pixels | Returns the inner radius of the pie chart in pixels. |
Input | Specifies the number to re-scale. |
Input Max | |
Input Min | |
Input Mode | Sets or returns the currently selected input mode. The user can select from enabled input modes in a pop-up dialog. To enable and disable input modes in the Property Inspector, toggle the input mode properties, such as Show Range and Show Day. Range Day Week Month Year Relative |
Input N | Specifies one of the input values for the statistical function. |
Input Out Of Range | |
Input Type | Specifies the valid input type, or the expected input type. Text Email URL Tel |
Input1 | Specifies the left table for the join operation. |
Input2 | Specifies the right table for the join operation. |
Inputmax | Specifies the maximum of the original scale. |
Inputmin | Specifies the minimum of the original scale. |
Inputoutofrange | Returns TRUE if the input is outside the range, FALSE otherwise. |
Intensity Field | Defines the table column from which the intensity values are determined. "Intensity" refers to whatever units the heat map is measuring, for example temperature or air flow. Each data point on the heat map has an intensity value that determines its color. Intensity values range from 0 to the highest data value. An intensity of 0 corresponds to the left end of this heat map's gradient, and the highest intensity value corresponds to the right end of this heat map's gradient. |
Interval | Specifies the duration of the range to roll up. It can be any of the following.
Inverted | Controls whether this axis is inverted. If this is a category axis, and the Category Order property is not null, then this property is ignored. TRUE FALSE |
Invoke | Causes the JavaScript to be loaded in the global source for the page and runs the init function. |
Is Advanced Html | Specifies whether the string in this text component is treated as advanced HTML, and all HTML tags are parsed, including hyperlinks. |
Is Border | |
Is Callout Visible | Returns whether the callout is currently visible. For example, a mouse-over callout is visible only when the user mouses over the target. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Is Html | Specifies whether the string in this text component is treated as HTML, and HTML tags are parsed. Does not parse advanced HTML tags such as hyperlinks. |
Is Repeater Mode | Enable repeater mode for stacker (dynamic number of series). |
Is True Path | |
Is Valid | Indicates whether this component’s current contents are valid. Validity is determined by the component type and by properties like Minimum, Maximum, and Input Type. Validity is checked whenever data is committed. Therefore, if Live Update is enabled, validity is checked constantly. If Live Update is disabled, validity is checked when the focus leaves the component. |
Isdesigner | Returns whether the project is currently open in Edit mode. TRUE FALSE |
Isdragging | Returns TRUE if the dragStart event for this block has occurred and the dragEnd event has not occurred yet. |
Ismobile | Returns whether the user is using a mobile device. |
Isresizing | Returns TRUE if the dragStart event for this block has occurred and the dragEnd event has not occurred yet. |
Isutc | Determines whether to use UTC. By default, this property is FALSE and uses your computer’s time zone. |
Italic | Specifies whether the text in this component is italic. |
Item Height | Defines the height of each item in the tree, in pixels. |
Item Id Column (Required) | Contains the name of a column in this tree's source table. This column contains IDs for tree nodes. IDs must be unique within a given table. |
Join | Determines the method of joining.The value of the join property can be one of the following: Left Right Inner Full Union |
Justify | Specifies whether the labels appear on the inside, outside, or center of the circle or line that defines the scale. |
Justify Content | Defines the horizontal positioning of all components within this container. Flex-Start Flex-End Center Space-Between* Space-Around* Baseline** Stretch** *Only available when the Layout property is set to Horizontal |
Keep Aspect Ratio | Maintains the aspect ratio of this component when its width or height properties are adjusted. If this component's width or height is set to Auto, it has no explicit aspect ratio, and this property does nothing. |
Keep Equal Header Paddings | WHen enabled, displays the same amount of padding for sides, top and bottom. |
Keep Special Value | Specifies how formatting is determined for the Formatted Value, Next Value, and Previous Value properties. For more information, see the wiki. |
Keepspecial | Specifies when a special value is used as the output properties, versus when the values of the format and delimiter properties are used. The value of the keepSpecial property can be one of the following: None RawThe special value is used, if applicable. Otherwise, the format and delimiter properties are used. Formatted Format Clean |
Key | key and match specify a key-value pair that must be matched somewhere in the JSON message, in order for the message to be sent. Use a value of * for match to accept any value for the specified key. Use these properties when sending a message from DGLux. |
Keyboard Capture | Specifies keyboard processing policy. Keyboard events are required for focus processing and to get keyboard events (@onKeyDown, @onKeyUp) from the GUI.
Keycode | Returns the key code of the last key to undergo key down or key up, whichever was specified. Refer to instances of JavaScript keyCode . |
Keycolumn | For use with repeaters. If set, contains the name of column from which all values (cells) for selected items are extracted into the selectedValue property. For a multiple selection, selectedValue is populated with a comma-separated list of values. |
Label | |
Label Alignment | For a vertical axis, determines whether the labels are aligned vertically to the top, middle, or bottom of the major ticks. For a horizontal axis, determines whether the labels are aligned to the left, center, or right of the major ticks. |
Label Gap | Defines the distance, in pixels, between the major tick marks and the labels for this axis. |
Label Position | Defines the position of the labels. None Outside Callout Inside Inside with Callout |
Label Rotation | Defines the angle of rotation for the labels on this axis. Valid values are between −90 and 90. |
Label Symbol | Specifies the symbol to use for a custom label renderer. |
Label To Edge Gap | Defines the distance, in pixels, between the chart container and the labels for this axis. |
Label To Title Gap | Defines the distance, in pixels, between the axis title and the axis labels. |
Label Units | |
Labels | Specifies how many labels appear along the axis. None Min Max Auto Show All |
Labels Bold | Defines whether these labels are bold. |
Labels Count | Defines the total number of labels along a labeled scale. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 2. The Only Min/Max Labels property overrides this property. |
Labels Font | Defines the font used for the labels along this axis. To add a font to your project:
Labels Font Color | Defines the font color used for the labels along this axis. |
Labels Font Size | Defines the font size used for the labels along an axis. |
Labels Italic | Defines whether these labels are italic. |
Labels Mode | |
Labels Size | Defines the height of the scale labels, as a pixel value or percentage. For circular scales, a percentage is a portion of the circle's radius. For linear scales, a percentage is a portion of half the container width. |
Labels Tracking | Specifies the horizontal spacing between characters. A null value means the font's default spacing is used. |
Labels Underline | Defines whether these labels are underlined. |
Language | Retrieves the language code of the browser. |
Lastpage | Advances the output table to the last page. |
Lastupdate | Returns the date and time of the most recently loaded value. |
Latitude | Sets or returns the latitude at the center of the map component. |
Latitude Field | Defines the column in your table that contains latitude data. Type the name of the table column in the field. |
Layout | Defines how components are positioned within this container. Absolute Horizontal Vertical |
Leading | Specifies the vertical spacing between lines of text. |
Left | In absolute layout, sets the left edge of this component to a distance to the left or right of the left edge of its parent container. In vertical or horizontal layout, sets the left edge of this component to a distance to the left or right of its normal position. Distances are either pixel values, or percentages of the parent width. A value of Auto positions the left edge of this component in its normal position. To set a value of Auto, click the blue dot and select Reset. |
Left Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the left container boundary and the leftmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. Paddings are part of an object's width and height. See Borders, Padding, and Content Size. |
Left Right Label Threshold | Percent of current label interval used to dtermine whether to display label before the first and after thelast data point. |
Length | Specifies how many characters to extract. |
Limiting Cone Angle | |
Line Form | Defines the shape of the lines in a line or area series. Segment Step ReverseStep Vertical Horizontal Curve |
Line Stroke | |
Line Stroke Style | Outline line style for the line series. |
Line Stroke Weight | |
Lines Stroke Color | Defines the color used for lines in the tree. |
Lines Stroke Style | Defines whether lines in the tree are solid or dotted lines. |
Lines Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight used for lines in the tree. |
Link Paddings | Links all four padding editors so that their values are equal. |
List Background | Color for AM-PM dropdown list background. |
Live Update | Specifies when the user’s changes to this component are committed. This property affects changes made in Preview Mode, the Viewer, and the deployed application. It does not affect changes that you make within the Property Inspector. TRUE FALSE |
Load All Nodes | A boolean value that indicates whether to pre-load children for the tree. This value is FALSE by default. TRUE FALSE |
Loading | |
Loading Timeout | Specifies how long, in seconds, will attempt to load a child table before stopping the attempt. |
Lockscale | Determines whether zooming is allowed. Only applies to mobile devices. TRUE FALSE |
Logorder | Specifies how events are logged. none firstOccurance lastOccurance all |
Longitude | Returns the longitude of the user. |
Longitude Field | Defines the column in your table that contains longitude data. Type the name of the table column in the field. |
Loop | Determines whether the animation sequence is repeated. TRUE FALSE |
Low Separator Color | Color that is used for value between middle and minimum. |
Main Row Fill | Defines the fill for the first group of alternating rows. |
Main Row Font Color | Defines the font color for the first group of alternating rows. |
Main Row Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the first group of alternating rows. |
Main Row Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining the first group of alternating rows. |
Main Row Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining the first group of alternating rows. |
Main Value Axis | Specifies the axis (x or y) on which values are displayed. By default, values are displayed on the y axis (vertically). |
Major Interval | Defines the interval between each consecutive pair of major ticks, in the units of the axis. |
Major Tick Count | Defines the total number of major ticks along this scale. |
Major Tick Length | Defines the length of each major tick, as a pixel value or a percentage. For circular scales, a percentage is a portion of the circle’s radius. For linear scales, a percentage is a portion of half the container width. |
Major Tick Placement | Specifies whether the major ticks appear on the inside, outside, or center of the line that represents this axis. |
Major Tick Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color of the major ticks. |
Major Tick Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight of each major tick. |
Map Controls | Specifies whether to show map controls, allowing the user to manipulate the map. Controls allow the user to zoom in or out, and move left, right, down, or up. |
Map Type | Defines the type of Google Map to be displayed in the component. Roadmap Satellite Hybrid Terrain |
Mapping | |
Marker Fill | Defines the fill for standard markers. |
Marker Radius | For standard markers, defines the marker radius in pixels. For custom markers, defines the largest radius of an inscribed ellipse, in pixels. In other words, this property is equal to half the symbol width or half the symbol height, whichever is larger. |
Marker Renderer | Specifies the symbol to use for custom markers. To use a symbol from this project, enter the name of the symbol. To use a symbol from another project in your library, enter the path to that symbol. |
Marker Stroke Color | Defines the border stroke color for standard markers. |
Marker Stroke Style | Defines the border stroke style for standard markers. |
Marker Stroke Weight | Defines the border stroke weight, in pixels, for standard markers. |
Markers | Defines the type of markers used by this series. Markers are used to visually represent each data point in the series, in addition to the line or shape that represents the entire series. None Standard Custom |
Mask | |
Mask Content Units | |
Mask Units | |
Match | key and match specify a key-value pair that must be matched somewhere in the JSON message, in order for the message to be sent. Use a value of * for match to accept any value for the specified key. Use these properties when sending a message from DGLux. |
Matchregexp | Specifies a regular expression that the message must match. |
Max | Specifies the maximum of the number scale, corresponding to the right end of the gradient. |
Max Char Length | Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in this text component. |
Max Depth | An integer that specifies the maximum level of tree descendants that are allowed. A value of 0 allows an unlimited number of levels. A value of 1 allows only one level of nodes and does not allow any descendants to be loaded. |
Max Font Size | Defines the maximum font size for this text component. This property is only applicable when font size is set to Auto. |
Max Height | Maximum height of the component in pixels or as a percent of its container. The auto option means this property is not set. |
Max Length | Not supported. |
Max Radius | |
Maxheight | Specifies the largest height that the component can be resized to, as a pixel value or a percentage of its parent’s height. |
Maximum | Returns the maximum of the axis range. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Maxwidth | Specifies the largest width that the component can be resized to, as a pixel value or a percentage of its parent’s width. |
Message | Holds the message to send, if it is a JSON string. Use this property when sending a message from DGLux. |
Messagegroup | |
Messagegroups | |
Meta | For an onKeyUp event, returns whether Meta is still being held, if it was held with the last key typed. For anOnKeyDown event, returns whether Meta was the last key down. |
Metadata | Returns a table that lists metadata about the specified node. |
Method | Specifies whether to sort values as strings (alphabetically) or as numbers. |
Method N | specifies how to return values in column n for each baseColumn value. first last average sum max min count concat concatUnique tableUnion |
Mid Color | Color used for middle value |
Millisecond | Specifies the number of milliseconds to add or subtract. |
Min | Defines a minimum valid number for this input component. If this is a range input component, and the minimum is null, the bottom of the range is zero. |
Min Color | Specifies the type of rollup used. First Last Average Sum Max Min Count Concat ConcatUnique |
Min Font Size | Defines the minimum font size for this text component. This property is only applicable when font size is set to Auto. |
Min Height | Minimum height of the component in pixels or as a percent of its container. The auto option means this property is not set. |
Min Radius | |
Min Width | Minimum width of the component in pixels or as a percent of its container. The auto option means this property is not set. |
Minheight | Specifies the smallest height that the component can be resized to, as a pixel value or a percentage of its parent’s height. |
Minimum | Returns the minimum of the axis range. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Minimum Component Duration | Specifies the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that an individual component takes to complete the animation. The Element Offset and Minimum component Duration properties can cause the animation duration to be longer than that specified by the Duration property. |
Minor Interval | Defines the interval between each consecutive pair of minor ticks, in the units of the axis. |
Minor Tick Count | Defines the number of minor ticks between each consecutive pair of major ticks. |
Minor Tick Length | Defines the length of each minor tick. |
Minor Tick Placement | Specifies whether the minor ticks appear on the inside, outside, or center of the line that represents an axis. |
Minor Tick Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color of the minor ticks. |
Minor Tick Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight of each minor tick. |
Minute | Specifies the number of minutes to add or subtract. |
Minwidth | Specifies the smallest width that the component can be resized to, as a pixel value or a percentage of its parent’s width. |
Missingvalue | Specifies what value to display if there is no data collected for a certain interval.
Modal Callout | Determines whether the callout for this component is modal. When a modal callout is displayed, other components in the view become faded and inactive. If the Gray Out Component property is TRUE, then the callout's target becomes faded and inactive along with other components. |
Modal Callout Fill | Specifies the background fill that appears when a modal callout is visible. |
Mode | Specifies whether the output table lists only files, only directories, or both. All Files Directories |
Modulo | |
Month | Returns the month of the year as a number from 1 to 12. |
Month Names | Defines the month names that appear on the calendar, as a comma-separated list of 12 values. The first value is displayed for January, and the last is displayed for December. Must be 12 values in order for defined names to take effect. |
Mouse Enabled | Specifies whether this component responds to mouse events. |
Move To Top | When set, visually moves the component to the top of its parent container. The order of components in the container and the outline is not affected. |
Msg | Specifies a string to be included in the developer console when values for this block are updated. |
Multi Select | For container components, enables users to select multiple components in the container. |
Multiline | Specifies whether this text component has multiline capability. Hold Alt+Enter to insert a line break. TRUE FALSE |
Name | Returns the name of the node. |
Name 0 | |
Name Column (Recommended) | Contains the name of a column in this tree's source table. This column contains names for tree nodes. If default tree styling is used, the items in this column are used as display text. If a symbol is used for the tree, and the symbol has a default property defined, the items in this column are used for that default property. |
Name N | Specifies a column name for the value n values in the output table. |
Name N And From N | name n specifies the new column name. from n specifies the data to appear in the new column, using JavaScript notation. For example:
Name N And Value N | value n specifies a value in the output table, and name n specifies a name for the value. |
Nesteddata | Specifies whether to keep the original rows in a new column of the output table as nested tables. For more information about nested tables, see How do I view the data in nested tables? |
Next | Advances the value of the input property to the next range of the same duration. |
Next Button Glyph | Defines the text or the glyph used for the next month button. You can find more information on glyphs here. |
Next Date Range | Changes the currently selected value to the next chronological value. For example, if January 2016 is selected, this action changes the selection to February 2016. |
Next Value | Returns the next chronological date range after the currently selected date range. For example, if January 2016 is selected, this action changes the selection to February 2016. |
Nextpage | Advances the output table to the next page. |
Nextrange | Returns the the next range of the same duration after input. |
Objectpath | Specifies the path of the component to get a property for. For the parent of this dataflow block, enter @parent . See Scripting and Syntax. |
Offset | |
Offset Operator | The Offset Operator is the operator that indicates how the source value and the Offset Value are used to create the target value. Possible values:
Offset Value | The Offset Value is the number that is used together with the source value and Offset Operator to determine the target value. |
Offsetheight | Returns the height of this entire component, in pixels, when the component is resized. |
Offsetwidth | Returns the width of this entire component, in pixels, when the component is resized. |
On Auto Size | Sets the size of a container to the minimum required to display the components that it contains. |
On Change | Event fired when the output changes. |
On Click | Triggers a 'click' event. |
On Click Off | Triggers a 'click off' event. |
On Click On | Triggers a 'click on' event. |
On Click Outside | Triggers a 'click outside' event. |
On Complete | Triggers an event on completion of this animation. Can be used to invoke actions or trigger other events. |
On Content Load Failed | Event to fire when content loading fails. |
On Content Loaded | Event to fire when content has loaded. |
On Create | Triggers a 'component created' event. |
On Double Click | Triggers a 'double-click' event. |
On Drag Drop | Triggers a 'component dropped' event. |
On Drag End | Triggers a 'drag end' event, for use when the user ends a drag operation by releasing the mouse button or hitting the ESC key. |
On Drag Leave | Triggers a 'drag leave' event, for use when a dragged component exits a valid drop target. |
On Drag Over | Triggers a 'drag over' event, for use when a dragged component is dragged over a valid drop target. |
On Drag Start | Triggers a 'drag start' event. |
On Ended | Triggers an event on completion of this video. Can be used to invoke actions. |
On Enter | |
On Key Down | |
On Key Up | |
On Lose Focus | |
On Mouse Down | Triggers a 'mouse down' event. |
On Mouse Enter | Triggers a 'mouse enter' event. |
On Mouse Leave | Triggers a 'mouse leave' event. |
On Mouse Move | Triggers a 'mouse move' event. |
On Mouse Move Global | Triggered by any mouse move, not just mouse moves related to the component. |
On Mouse Up | Triggers a 'mouse up' event. |
On Mouse Up Global | Triggered by any mouse-up, not just mouse-ups related to the component. |
On Mouse Wheel | Triggers a 'mouse wheel' event. |
On Right Click | Triggers a 'right-click' event. |
On Scroll | Triggers a 'scroll' event. |
On Update Repeater | Design time trigger to apply all changes to master series (recreate all generated series with changed parameters) |
Onafterprint | Fires after the browser window contents are sent to the printer dialog. You can use this for reverting changes made using onBeforePrint. |
Onbeforeprint | Fires before the browser window contents are sent to the printer dialog. You can use this for changing configuration to prepare for printing. |
Oncomplete | Fires when the table is finished loading. |
Onfinish | Fires an event when all of the inputs have been updated at least once. |
Onfinished | |
Onloop | Fires when the stopwatch either loops or stops. It can be used to trigger an action. |
Only Min/Max Labels | Specifies whether the labels for the minimum and maximum of the scale are the only two labels that appear. This property overrides the Labels Count property. |
Onmessage | |
Onmodified | Event to fire when one of the internal inputs loses focus after being changed. |
Onresize | Triggers a 'resize' event for the component. The component's resizeEventEnabled property must be set to TRUE for this event to trigger. |
Onreverted | |
Op | Specifies the comparison, arithmetic, or text operator to apply to the input values. The operator is used in conjunction with inputs to form an expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. By default, the op value of an Or block is "or". The block will not act as described if you change this property. |
Opacity | Defines the opacity of this component. If this component is a group or container, all components inside are affected. |
Open | A trigger that opens the browser file chooser. For information about using triggers, see this page. |
Open Icon | An image to be used as the "expand," or "open," icon for a node that has children, is currently closed, and is not currently selected. |
Open Icon Selected | An image to be used as the "expand," or "open," icon for a node that has children, is currently closed, and is currently selected. Only works if selection is enabled for this tree. |
Option Color | Text color for AM-PM dropdown list. |
Option Fill | Defines the fill for the options list. Not supported in all browsers. |
Option Line Height | |
Option Text Align | |
Options | Defines the list of options for this list component, as comma-separated values. |
Options Font | Defines the font for the options list. Not supported in all browsers. To add a font to your project:
Options Font Bold | Defines whether the options list is bold. Not supported in all browsers. |
Options Font Color | Defines the font color for the options list. Not supported in all browsers. |
Options Font Italic | Defines whether the options list is italic. Not supported in all browsers. |
Options Font Size | Defines the font size for the options list. Not supported in all browsers. |
Options Font Underline | Defines whether the options list is underlined. Not supported in all browsers. |
Order | Returns a comma-separated list of integers representing the order in which the input events occurred, as specified by the logOrder property. |
Orientation | Specifies the orientation of the output, either portrait or landscape. |
Origin | |
Original | Initial property value. |
Original 0 | |
Out-Of-Month Cells Bold | Specifies whether the text in out-of-month cells is bold. |
Out-Of-Month Cells Corner Radius | Defines the corner radius for out-of-month cells, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Out-Of-Month Cells Fill | Defines the fill for out-of-month cells. |
Out-Of-Month Cells Font Color | Defines the font color for numbers in out-of-month cells. Selected cells style properties take precedence over out-of-month cell properties. |
Out-Of-Month Cells Font Family | Specifies the font for out-of-month cells. To add a font to your project and use it for this property:
Out-Of-Month Cells Font Size | Defines the font size for numbers in out-of-month cells. |
Out-Of-Month Cells Italic | For internal use, do not change. |
Out-Of-Month Cells Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining out-of-month cells. |
Outcolumn N | Specifies the label for the column of grouped column n values. |
Outer Radius | Defines the radius of this pie chart, as a percentage of the radius of the largest pie chart that would fit. This depends on container size. If the Reduce Outer Radius property is TRUE, then the radius size might be automatically reduced in order to fit labels or other components. |
Outer Radius In Pixels | Returns the outer radius of the pie chart in pixels. |
Output | Returns the variance of the input values. |
Output Max | |
Output Min | |
Outputmax | Specifies the maximum of the new scale. |
Outputmin | Specifies the minimum of the new scale. |
Outputobj | Returns a JSON object that comprises the input key/value pairs. |
Padding | The amount of padding around page contents. |
Pagesize | Specifies the number of rows per page. |
Pagex | Returns the distance, in pixels, from the left page boundary to the cursor at the time of the mouse event. Positive values are to the right of the left page boundary. |
Pagey | Returns the distance, in pixels, from the top page boundary to the cursor at the time of the mouse event. Positive values are below the top page boundary. |
Palette Icon | Specifies custom icon for widget in widget bar. |
Parse Error | |
Parseerror | Indicates whether the block encountered an error. An error might be caused by improperly formatted input. |
Path | Specifies the absolute location of the node to get metadata for. Drag the relevant node from the Data panel to this field. |
Path 0 | |
Path N | Defines a DGLux component whose properties change as part of the state. |
Pathname | Returns the pathname of this project. This is the portion of the URL after the protocol and host, and before any hash or search strings. |
Paths | Specifies the histories that this block loads. To specify the histories:
Pause | Pauses the video. You can bind to this button, or click it as part of a recorded action. |
Peak Color | Color used for maximum value. |
Percent Origin X | X position for drawing center point. |
Percent Origin Y | Y position for drawing center point. |
Percents | |
Perspective | For 3D-transformed components, specifies how many pixels the component is placed from the view. Note that the child components of the component get the perspective view, not the component itself. |
Perspective Origin X | Specifies where a 3D-transformed component is placed on the X axis. |
Perspective Origin Y | Specifies where a 3D-transformed component is placed on the Y axis. |
Pixeldepth | Retrieves the color depth or bit depth of the user’s screen, as reported by the browser. This is the number of bits used to determine the color of a pixel. |
Pixelratio | Retrieves the ratio of the width to the height of each pixel on the user’s monitor, as reported by the browser. |
Place Label Right | |
Placeholder | Defines the placeholder text displayed in this input component when there is no input text. |
Platform | Retrieves the platform the browser is running on. |
Play | Plays the video. You can bind to this button, or click it as part of a recorded action. |
Plotted Area Height | Returns the height of the plot area in pixels. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Plotted Area Width | Returns the width of the plot area in pixels. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Plotted Area X | Returns the view x-coordinate at the left edge of the plotted area. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Plotted Area Y | Returns the view y-coordinate at the top edge of the plotted area. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. |
Points At X | |
Points At Y | |
Points At Z | |
Position | Defines the position of the selected fill color in the gradient. A value of 0% positions the selected color at the leftmost edge of the track that defines the gradient. A value of 100% positions it at the rightmost edge. |
Postfix | |
Power | Specifies the exponent to raise input to. |
Precision | Specifies the number of digits after the decimal to round the number to. A value of 0, less than 0, or null rounds the number to the nearest integer. |
Preserve3D | When enabled, specifies that child components will preserve their 3D position after the componet is transformed. |
Presicion | |
Previous | Changes the value of the input property to the previous range of the same duration. |
Previous Button Glyph | Defines the text or the glyph used for the previous month button. You can find more information on glyphs here. |
Previous Date Range | Changes the currently selected value to the previous chronological value. For example, if January 2016 is selected, this action changes the selection to December 2015. |
Previous Value | Returns the previous chronological date range before the currently selected date range. For example, if January 2016 is selected, this action changes the selection to December 2015. |
Previousrange | Returns the previous range of the same duration before input. |
Prevpage | Changes the output table to the previous page. |
Returns a string that is used for errors, other notifications, and debugging. | |
Product | Always returns "Gecko," on any browser. It is not a reliable source of information. |
Productsub | Retrieves the build number of the browser. |
Profile | |
Projectid | Returns the automatically-generated unique ID of this project. |
Projectname | Returns this project's name. |
Protocol | Returns whether the project’s URL begins with HTTP or HTTPS. |
Qosmode | Specifies whether the script runs as soon as it's invoked. FALSE TRUE Besides invoke, if there are other bindings to the script block, they might not always be updated by the time script is run When the output of a streaming mode repeater is bound to the script's invoke, the script's qosMode needs to be TRUE, otherwise it might lose the update comes from repeater. |
Query | Specifies the query sent by this block. |
Quotient | Returns the integer result of input divided by modulo. |
R Axis Type | |
Radial Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for the edges between wedges. To edit the inner and outer circles of the pie chart, use the Fill and Stroke properties for the series. |
Radial Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the edges between wedges. To edit the inner and outer circles of the pie chart, use the Fill and Stroke properties for the series. |
Radial Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the edges between wedges. To edit the inner and outer circles of the pie chart, use the Fill and Stroke properties for the series. |
Radius | Defines the radius of the circle that defines the scale, as a percentage of either half the width or half the height of the container, whichever is larger. |
Range Delimiter | Specifies the delimiter used between the start date and end date of the range. If null, a slash (/) is used. See date formatting help here. |
Rangedelimiter | Specifies the string used to delimit the beginning of the range and the end of the range. |
Ratio | Defines the value of this filter effect. The meaning of this value differs depending on the type of effect:
Read Only | |
Reduce Outer Radius | Defines whether the pie chart radius shrinks automatically in order to fit labels or other components. TRUE FALSE |
Refresh | Triggers a refresh of the IFrame. |
Regexp | Specifies whether to use a regular expression to find strings. |
Relative To | Controls the bounding box used to determine the focal point of the zoom animation. Used together with Horizontal Focus and Vertical Focus. Series Chart |
Reload | Refreshes the .dg5 file within this Page Include. |
Remainder | Returns the remainder. The remainder property always has the same sign as the input property. |
Renamecolumns | Determines the names in the output table for columns that come from input2. Make sure to rename columns if you don’t want them combined. Use this syntax:column1:newName column2:newName Press Alt + Enter to create line breaks between columns. To edit text in a popup window, click the Edit in Window icon. |
Render Direction | Specifies the order in which wedges are rendered. |
Rendererheight | Specify height for virtual layout for a group repeater. |
Rendererwidth | Specify width for virtual layout for a group repeater. |
Replace N | Specifies the text to replace find n with. |
Reset | Resets the listener. |
Resizeeventenabled | When TRUE, permits the 'resize' event to be triggered for the component. |
Resolveactions | Determines whether to create an output table describing available actions for this node's children. By default, this property is disabled. |
Respheaders | Returns the HTTP response headers received when the string is loaded. |
Restart | Restarts the video. You can bind to this button, or click it as part of a recorded action. |
Retaincolumns | Specifies whether to include the input table's columns in the output table. |
Reverse | Determines whether the animation frames are displayed in reverse. TRUE FALSE |
Reverse Z Index | For containers with horizontal or vertical layout that contain overlapping components, reverses the overlapped components. |
Revert | |
Right | In absolute layout, sets the right edge of this component to a distance to the left or right of the right edge of its parent container. In vertical or horizontal layout, sets the right edge of this component to a distance to the left or right of its normal position. Distances are either pixel values, or percentages of the parent width. A value of Auto positions the right edge of this component in its normal position. To set a value of Auto, click the blue dot and select Reset. |
Right Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the right edge of the date cells, and the border of the calendar component. |
Rollup | Specifies the type of rollup used. Options are:
Root | Specifies the root to use. For example, a value of 3 calculates a cubic root. |
Rotation | Defines a 2D rotation. The value is an angle in degrees. |
Rotation X | Defines a 3D rotation along the x-axis. The value is an angle in degrees. |
Rotation Y | Defines a 3D rotation along the y-axis. The value is an angle in degrees. |
Round Time | |
Rounded Corners Editable | Do not change. For internal use. |
Roundtime | Specifies whether to force all intervals to start at a round number. TRUE FALSE |
Row | Specifies a row index in the input table. |
Row Focusable | Specifies whether the datagrid row is permitted to receive focus. |
Row Height | Defines the height of this data grid's rows, in pixels. |
Rows Bottom Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the bottom container boundary and the bottommost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Rows Font | Defines the font color for this component. |
Rows Font Bold | Specifies whether the text in this component is bold. |
Rows Font Italic | Specifies whether the text in this component is italic. |
Rows Font Size | Defines the font size for this component. |
Rows Horizontal Alignment | Specifies whether the content in the rows is left-justified, centered, or right-justified. |
Rows Left Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the left container boundary and the leftmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Rows Right Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the right container boundary and the rightmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Rows Top Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the top container boundary and the topmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
Rows Vertical Alignment | Specifies whether the content in the rows is positioned at the top, middle, or bottom of the container. |
Save | Removes any binding to the data property. When save is invoked, data currently in the table is maintained. |
Scale | Scale factor for graphics. |
Scale Content | Specifies the scaling behavior of children of this group when the group size changes. Only works when group layout is absolute. None Fit ratio Fit |
Scale Input Maximum | The upper bound of the original scale. A scale binding takes the source value's relationship to an original scale, and returns the corresponding value on a new scale. A gradient binding takes the source value's position on an original scale, and returns the color that is at the corresponding position on a specified gradient. A gradient binding takes the source value's position on an original scale, and returns the color that is at the corresponding position on a specified gradient. |
Scale Input Minimum | The lower bound of the original scale. A scale binding takes the source value's relationship to an original scale, and returns the corresponding value on a new scale. A gradient binding takes the source value's position on an original scale, and returns the color that is at the corresponding position on a specified gradient. |
Scale Output Maximum | The upper bound of the new scale. A scale binding takes the source value's relationship to an original scale, and returns the corresponding value on a new scale. |
Scale Output Minimum | The lower bound of the new scale. A scale binding takes the source value's relationship to an original scale, and returns the corresponding value on a new scale. |
Scale Type | Specifies whether the shape of the scale is defined by a circle or a straight line. |
Scale X | Defines a 3D scale transformation by giving a value for the X-axis |
Scale Y | Defines a 3D scale transformation by giving a value for the Y-axis |
Scale-9 Grid Bottom | Defines the pixel height of the bottom row of the scale-9 grid. |
Scale-9 Grid Left | Defines the pixel width of the leftmost column of the scale-9 grid. |
Scale-9 Grid Right | Defines the pixel width of the rightmost column of the scale-9 grid. |
Scale-9 Grid Top | Defines the pixel height of the top row of the scale-9 grid. |
Screenheight | Retrieves the height of the user’s entire screen in pixels. |
Screenwidth | Retrieves the width of the user’s entire screen in pixels. |
Script | Specifies the instance of DGScript held by this block. See Scripting and Syntax for more information about creating a script. |
Scriptpath | Specifies the path to the JavaScript file. It can be a file path relative to the root, or it can be some other URL. The file extension must be .js . |
Scroll Feedback | Set to TRUE to enable the scrollX and scrollY properties to be populated when the user scrolls. |
Scroll X | For a scrollable component, the number of pixels that the component is currently scrolled horizontally. This property is populated when the scrollFeedback property is enabled. |
Scroll Y | For a scrollable component, the number of pixels that the component is currently scrolled vertically. This property is populated when the scrollFeedback property is enabled. |
Scrollfastresponse | To make synchronized scrolling smooth, update the position data immediately when it changes. |
Scrollleft | Returns the difference in pixels between the left edge of the content and the left edge of the portion currently scrolled to. |
Scrollleftmax | |
Scrolltop | Returns the difference in pixels between the top edge of the content and the top edge of the portion currently scrolled to. |
Scrolltopmax | |
Search | Returns the string that appears after the question mark (?) symbol in the URL. You can bind the search property to a script block and use string functions, such as str.decodeUriComponent() , to parse it into a usable string. |
Second | Returns the second of the minute as a number from 0 to 59. |
Select Child On Click | When enabled, users can select child components by clicking them. |
Select Node | A node ID that specifies a loaded node to select, expand, and make visible. Only works if the tree's Selection Behavior is set to a value other than None. If the specified node is not loaded, this property does nothing. You can use this property together with the Load All Nodes property and the onAllNodesLoaded event property in the Advanced properties, to ensure that all nodes are loaded before this property's value is set. If a node with the specified ID exists in more than one table, then the first node with this ID that is encountered is used. For selection of more than one node, use the Selected Items property in the Selection properties. However, Selected Items controls selection only, not which nodes are expanded. |
Selected | A runtime property that shows whether this component is selected. This property is not saved in Edit mode. This property is related to the parent's Selection Behavior property. For example, if the Selection Behavior of this component's parent is Single Select, then clicking this component selects it and deselects its siblings. For more about the Selection Behavior property, see the wiki. Regardless of the parent’s Selection Behavior, you can also change this property in the Property Inspector. For example, if you want this component to be selected when the user clicks a menu button, bind the Selected property of the button to the Selected property of this component. |
Selected Cells Bold | Specifies whether the text in selected cells is bold. |
Selected Cells Corner Radius | Defines the corner radius for selected cells, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Selected Cells Fill | Defines the fill for selected cells. |
Selected Cells Font | Specifies the font for numbers in selected cells. To add a font to your project:
Selected Cells Font Color | Defines the font color for numbers in selected cells. |
Selected Cells Font Size | Defines the font size for numbers in selected cells. |
Selected Cells Italic | Specifies whether the text in selected cells is italic. |
Selected Cells Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining selected cells. |
Selected Component Font | Defines the font for the selected option. To add a font to your project:
Selected Component Font Bold | Defines whether the selected option is bold. |
Selected Component Font Color | Defines the font color for the selected option. |
Selected Component Font Italic | Defines whether the selected option is italic. |
Selected Component Font Size | Defines the font size for the selected option. |
Selected Component Font Underline | Defines whether the selected option is underlined. |
Selected Date | Sets or returns the currently selected date for this calendar. Uses the format "yyyy-MM-dd". For more information about date formats, see the DGLux wiki. If the user selects a range of dates, this property reflects only the date that the user clicked to select the range. |
Selected Days | Returns the currently selected days as a comma-separated list. |
Selected Index | Sets or returns the index of the selected item in this container. An index of 0 indicates the first item. An index of −1 deselects all items. If Multi-Select is enabled and multiple items are selected, comma-separated values are used. |
Selected Item Font | |
Selected Items (Tree Component Only) | Sets or returns a comma-separated list of IDs of selected items in the tree. Only works if the tree's Selection Behavior is set to a value other than None. This property is not serializable, meaning that changes to this property are in effect only for the current session. A value listed in this property is considered selected regardless of whether the specified node is loaded. However, a node that is selected in the tree will be automatically added to this property only when it is visible. If a node with the specified ID exists in more than one table, the first node with this ID that is encountered is recognized. To select and expand a node, and make it visible, use the Select Node property. However, Select Node works only with a single node. |
Selected Items Data (Tree Component Only) | Returns a read-only table describing items that are both selected and also displayed in the tree. If a node is selected but one of its ancestors is collapsed, that node is not displayed and is not included in the Selected Items Data table. |
Selected Range | Sets or returns the currently selected date range for this calendar. Uses the format "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss". For more information about date formats, see the DGLux wiki. To let the user change this property, set the Selection Mode property to Day, Week, or Month. To change this property using the Property Inspector, click the Selected Range button to open a DGLux date range picker. Using this dialog, you can choose a date range in several ways: Range Day Week Month Year Relative |
Selected Row Fill | Defines the fill for the selected rows. Only works when selection is enabled for the data grid. |
Selected Row Font Color | Defines the font color for selected rows. Only works when selection is enabled for the data grid. |
Selected Row Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining for outlining selected rows. Only works when selection is enabled for the data grid. |
Selected Row Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining selected rows. Only works when selection is enabled for the data grid. |
Selected Row Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight or border width for outlining selected rows. Only works when selection is enabled for the data grid. |
Selected Style | For internal use, do not change. |
Selectedvalue | For use with repeaters. If the keyColumn property is set, this property is populated with the values from the specified column. For a multiple selection, selectedValue is populated with a comma-separated list of values. |
Selection Mode | Determines the selection mode for the component. Day Week Month |
Selectonenter | When enabled, users can select by hitting the Enter key. |
Selector | Specifies the location of the data in the JSON string to parse into a table. |
Self | If the action page is inside a page include component, opens the dashboard in the page include component. |
Sendcookies | Specifies whether to send the user’s cookie to the URL from which you are retrieving the string. It is safer not to send cookies, but you must send cookies in order to get certain custom information, such as a particular user’s Twitter feed. |
Separator | Specifies the character or string that delimits the pieces. |
Series Animation | Defines animation behavior for this series. None Interpolate Slide Zoom |
Series Index | Index of generated series. |
Series Type | Defines how the series data is visually represented. Line series Area series Bar series Column series |
Service | Service from which to get data. |
Service Id | |
Shadows | Attaches one or more shadows to this component. |
Shear | Specifies the angle for a 3D shear transformation. |
Shift | For an onKeyUp event, returns whether Shift is still being held, if it was held with the last key typed. For anOnKeyDown event, returns whether Shift was the last key down. |
Show Arrow | Determines whether an arrow graphic appears in the component, indicating a drop-down list. |
Show Binding | |
Show Callout | Shows the callout. You can bind data or properties to this button, or click it as part of a recorded action. |
Show Datatips | Specifies whether datatips are displayed when the user mouses over data points. If this series uses custom markers, datatips are shown by default. |
Show Day | Specifies whether this date range picker includes an option to choose a day. |
Show Full Time | Determines whether the Range portion of the date range picker includes time. TRUE FALSE |
Show Labels | Specifies whether this series has labels. |
Show Legend | Specifies whether to show a simple legend in the heat map component. |
Show Line | |
Show Loading Indicator | Determines whether to disaply a visual signal when an attempt is being made to load tree nodes. |
Show Month | Specifies whether this date range picker includes an option to choose a calendar month. |
Show Range | Specifies whether this date range picker includes an option to choose a starting date/time and ending date/time. |
Show Relative | Specifies whether this date range picker includes an option to choose a date range relative to the current date. |
Show Root | Specifies whether the data in the top-level table is displayed in the tree component. This property is TRUE by default. TRUE FALSE |
Show Week | Specifies whether this date range picker includes an option to choose a week beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday. |
Show Year | Specifies whether this date range picker includes an option to choose a calendar year. |
Showstatus | Determines whether a status column is included for each history in the output table. Status values report the status of the node data at the time that data was collected, such as "down" or "overridden." This can indicate the reliability of the value. |
Size | Specifies the paper size of the output. |
Snap Interval | |
Snap Speed | |
Solid Only | |
Sort Ascending | Sorts the data using this column, in ascending order. Using this trigger changes the Sort Order to Ascending, under Data Grid properties. |
Sort Column | Specifies the name of the column by which to sort the data. Only works if the column has the Sortable property enabled. |
Sort Descending | Sorts the data using this column, in descending order. Using this trigger changes the Sort Order to Descending, under Data Grid properties. |
Sort Order | Specifies whether the data is sorted in ascending or descending order. To change whether the data is treated as strings or numbers when sorted, open the dataflow for this data grid and edit the Sort block. |
Sortable | Specifies whether the columns affected by this column editor are sortable. |
Sorting Indicator | Specifies whether a graphic appears in the column that currently sorts the data. The Sorting Indicator property for a Name column editor overrides the Sorting Indicator property for an All column editor. |
Specular Exponent | |
Spellcheck | Enable or disable spellchecking for the component. |
Start | |
Start Angle | Defines the start angle of the circular scale. A value of zero indicates the top of the circle. Valid values are between −180 and 180. |
Start Thickness | Defines the thickness of the scale track at its start, as a pixel or percentage value. For circular scales, a percentage is a portion of the circle’s radius. For linear scales, a percentage is a portion of the entire container width. |
Status | Returns the HTTP response status code. |
Step | Defines the interval between valid numbers for this input component. Valid numbers are the minimum and multiples of the Step value larger than the minimum. If no minimum is defined, valid numbers are zero and multiples of the Step value larger or smaller than zero. A Step value of zero means that any interval is allowed. |
Stop | Stops the video. You can bind to this button, or click it as part of a recorded action. |
Strength | Affects the differential or the change rate of the easing function. A value of 0.5 is the default. Values below 0.5 decrease the differential or the change rate, making the easing appear less pronounced. Values above 0.5 increase the differential or the change rate, making the easing appear more pronounced. |
Strength Back | Affects the differential or the change rate of the easing function in the reverse manner of the Strength property. See Strength for details. |
Strict | When enabled, the result is null if any input is null. |
Stroke | Defines the stroke for this component. |
Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for outlining this component. |
Stroke Opacity | Defines the opacity of this component's outline. |
Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining this component. |
Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for outlining this component. |
Style | |
Superuser | Returns whether the currently logged in user is a Super User. |
Support Separate Border | |
Svg Defs | Defines the <defs> component for the repeated SVG component. Example This example defines a style for the repeated SVG rectangle. The style includes a green fill and a black border stroke. |
Svg Filter For X Axis | For internal use, do not change. |
Svg Filter For Y Axis | For internal use, do not change. |
Svg Id | |
Symbol | Defines the symbol to be used as a location marker. If the symbol is in this project, enter the name of the symbol. To use a symbol from another project in your library, enter the path to that symbol. |
Tab Index | |
Table | |
Table (Required) | Defines the table that the tree uses as a data source. This table contains the top level of nodes and references to the next level of nodes, if they exist. This table must include a column that contains item IDs. |
Target | |
Temperature Unit | |
Text | Sets or reflects the string that appears in this text component. |
Text Anchor | |
Text Direction | Specifies the direction for text and input in this component, to support the use of right-to-left languages. Left to right Right to left Auto |
Text Selectable | Specifies whether users can select text in this field. |
Then | Specifies the value to return if one or more of the input properties evaluate to TRUE. |
Then 0 | |
Then N | Specifies the result value if the expression formed by input, operator, and case n is TRUE. |
This Value | Returns the currently selected date range. |
Thisrange | Returns the currently selected range in input. |
Thumb Corner Radius | Defines rounded corners for the thumbs in this container's scrollbars, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value defines the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Thumb Fill | Defines the fill of the thumbs in this container's scrollbars. |
Thumb Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for outlining the thumbs in this container's scrollbars. |
Thumb Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining the thumbs in this container's scrollbars. |
Thumb Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for outlining the thumbs in this container's scrollbars. |
Ticks | Defines values where ticks appear on the range selector, as a list of comma-separated values. |
Ticks Placement | Specifies whether the ticks are positioned on the inside, outside, or center of the circle or line that defines the scale. |
Tile Alignment | Defines positioning of the columns and rows containing wrapped components within this container. Flex-Start Flex-End Center Space-Between Space-Around Stretch |
Tiling Angle | If Repeat Horizontally or Repeat Vertically is selected, changing this value causes tiles to repeat along an angle. Valid values are between −45 and 45. |
Tiling/Scaling | Determines whether the image tiles or scales within its container. No Tiling Tiling Scaling |
Tiling/Scaling Options | When Tiling is selected, this property determines whether the image tiles horizontally, vertically, or both horizontally and vertically. Repeat Repeat Horizontally Repeat Vertically When Scaling is selected, this property determines how the image scales when its container size changes. Contain Cover Stretch |
Time | Returns the serial number. |
Time Format | Specifies how time is displayed. Examples: 'hh:mm a' 'HH:mm' 'HH:mm:ss.S' |
Time Range | |
Timeout | Specifies how long the block will attempt to create the table before the request is canceled. |
Timerange | Specifies the date and time range to return the histories for. You can click the button and use the date range picker to specify a range. |
Title | Defines the title text for this axis. This text appears as an axis title label. |
Title Alignment | For a vertical axis, specifies whether the axis title is aligned to the top, bottom, or center of the axis. For a horizontal axis, specifies whether the axis title is aligned to the left, right, or center of the axis. |
Title Bold | Defines whether the title of this axis is bold. |
Title Color | For internal use, do not change. |
Title Font | Defines the font used for the title of this axis. |
Title Font Color | Defines the font color used for the title of this axis. |
Title Font Size | Defines the font size used for the title of this axis. |
Title Italic | Defines whether title of this axis is italicized. |
Title Letter Spacing | Spacing for axis title text. |
Title Style | For internal use, do not change. |
Title Text Decoration | For internal use, do not change. |
Title Underline | Defines whether the title of this axis is underlined. |
Today Cell Bold | Specifies whether the text in the today cell is bold. |
Today Cell Corner Radius | Defines the corner radius for the cell that represents the current day, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Today Cell Fill | Defines the fill for the calendar cell that represents the current day, based on the user’s date and time settings. |
Today Cell Font | Specifies the font for the calendar cell that represents the current day. To add a font to your project:
Today Cell Font Color | Defines the font color for the calendar cell that represents the current day, based on the user’s date and time settings. |
Today Cell Font Size | Defines the font size for the calendar cell that represents the current day, based on the user’s date and time settings. |
Today Cell Italic | Specifies whether the text in the today cell is italic. |
Today Cell Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining the calendar cell that represents the current day, based on the user’s date and time settings. |
Today Style | |
Tooltip | Defines the tooltip text to appear when the user mouses over this component. Tooltips use the default tooltip appearance for the user's browser and operating system. Tooltips appear only when the Mouse Enabled property is TRUE for the component and its parents. |
Tooltip Help Mode | |
Top | In absolute layout, sets the top edge of this component to a distance above or below the top edge of its parent container. In vertical or horizontal layout, sets the top edge of this component to a distance above or below its normal position. Distances are either pixel values, or percentages of the parent height. A value of Auto positions the top edge of this component in its normal position. To set a value of Auto, click the blue dot and select Reset. |
Top Left Radius | Defines the top left rounded corner as an arc of a circle or an ellipse. The circle or ellipse is defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Top Padding | Defines a number of pixels of space between the top edge of the date cells, and the header of the calendar. |
Top Right Radius | Defines the top right rounded corner as an arc of a circle or an ellipse. The circle or ellipse is defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Total Frames | Returns the number of frames in the animation, not including the image. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing. Add frames by clicking the Add button. |
Totalpage | Returns the total number of pages for this table. |
Tracelabel | Label for the trace messages logged by the Trace dataflow block, which monitors changes to specified properties and logs any changes in the browser's JavaScript console. Must be set for stage when tracing value is Auto. |
Tracing | Specifies whether the changes are recorded. To learn about setting the value to Auto, see this page. TRUE FALSE Auto |
Track Corner Radius | Defines rounded corners for the tracks in this container's scrollbars, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value defines the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the component's width and height, respectively. |
Track Fill | Defines the fill of the track in this container's scrollbars. |
Track Placement | Specifies whether the track is positioned on the inside, outside, or center of the circle or line that defines the scale. |
Track Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for outlining the track in this container's scrollbars. |
Track Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for outlining the track in this container's scrollbars. |
Track Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for outlining the track in this container's scrollbars. |
Tracking | Specifies the horizontal spacing between characters. If null, the default spacing for the selected font is used. |
Traffic Layer | Specifies whether to show the Google Maps Traffic Layer on the map. |
Transform Origin X | Specify the X-axis origin for a 3D transform |
Transform Origin Y | Specify the Y-axis origin for a 3D transform |
Translatex | Defines a 3D translation using only the value for the X-axis |
Translatey | Defines a 3D translation using only the value for the Y-axis |
True Label | |
Type | Returns the data type of the node, if applicable. |
Underline | Specifies whether the text in this component is underlined. |
Unfocus | removes focus from the component. |
Unit | Returns the units of the node, if applicable. |
Units | The unit in which padding is specified. |
Url | Specifies the location of the image that fills this component. Click the folder icon to select or upload an image, or enter a relative URL within the project, such as assets/image.png. You can also enter any absolute URL, even if it is outside of your project or DGLux. You can use any image format that is supported by the user's browser. |
Use Clipping | |
Use Div Labels | Specifies whether the labels along an axis are coded as <div> components, thereby allowing multiline text and HTML tags. By default, labels are rendered as SVG text components, which are faster but support fewer formatting options. |
Use Gpu | For debugging a rendering issue with iOS and Safari. |
User | Returns the currently logged in user for this session. |
Useragent | Retrieves the user–agent string, which identifies the browser and certain system details. It might not be accurate. |
Value | Sets and returns the value of this Number block or Constant block. |
Value 0 | |
Value Field | Specifies the name of the column from which to read values. |
Value N | Sets or returns the cell value at the specified row and column n. In addition, updates to the value n property write to the data source if the data source is a Table block. For other data sources, including other block properties that hold the table data type, changing the value does nothing. |
Value Rollup | |
Value Scale | |
Valuecolumn | Specifies the name of the table column that holds the values to be rolled up. |
Valuerollup | Specifies the type of rollup used. First Last Average Sum Max Min Count Concat ConcatUnique |
Vendor | Retrieves the vendor name of the browser. |
Vendorsub | Retrieves the version number substring of the vendor information. However, it is not a reliable source of information. |
Version | Returns the version number you have given to this project. Add a version number by selecting Project > Project Properties. |
Vertical Alignment | Determines how images or tiles are vertically aligned. Top Middle Bottom |
Vertical Alternate Fill | Defines the second of two fills that alternate in the plotting area between vertical gridlines. |
Vertical Axis Title Orientation | Controls axis title orientation for a vertical axis. Orientation can be either Vertical or Flipped Vertical. You might want to select Vertical if the axis is on the left of the chart, and Flipped Vertical if the axis is on the right. |
Vertical Center | In absolute or horizontal layout, sets the vertical center of this component to a distance above or below the vertical center of its parent container. The value can be pixels, or a percent of the parent height. A negative value moves this component up, and a positive value moves it down. A value of Auto positions the vertical center of this component in its normal position in the layout. To set a value of Auto, click the blue dot and select Reset. |
Vertical Change Count | |
Vertical Fill | Defines the first of two fills that alternate in the plotting area between vertical gridlines. |
Vertical Focus | Together with Horizontal Focus and Relative To, determines the focal point of the zoom animation. Top Bottom Center Null |
Vertical Gap | Defines the minimum number of pixels between components in a vertical layout, or between columns in a wrapped horizontal layout.
Vertical Gridline Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for the vertical lines that divide columns. To define the lines between column headers, use the header's Fill and Stroke properties. |
Vertical Gridline Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the vertical lines that divide columns. To define the lines between column headers, use the header's Fill and Stroke properties. |
Vertical Gridline Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the vertical lines that divide columns. To define the lines between column headers, use the header's Fill and Stroke properties. |
Vertical Origin Stroke | |
Vertical Origin Stroke Weight | |
Vertical Scrollbar Width | Defines the width of the vertical scrollbar on this container, as a pixel value or a percentage of the container width. |
Vertical Scrolling | Defines vertical scrolling behavior on this component. Off On Auto |
Vertical Show Origin | |
Vertical Spacing | Defines the amount of empty space, in pixels, between rows in the calendar. |
Vertical Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for vertical gridlines. |
Vertical Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for vertical gridlines. A stroke weight greater than 0 overrides a stroke style of None. |
Vertical Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for vertical gridlines. |
Vertical Tick Aligned | Defines where vertical gridlines are placed. TRUE FALSE |
Vertical Zoom Maximum | Sets or returns the maximum of the range on the vertical axis for the zoomed view. If either Minimum or Maximum is null, the zoom does not happen. Zooming works only with linear, log, and datetime axes. For dates, use the format "yyyyMMdd". |
Vertical Zoom Minimum | Sets or returns the minimum of the range on the vertical axis for the zoomed view. If either Minimum or Maximum is null, the zoom does not happen. Zooming works only with linear, log, and datetime axes. For dates, use the format "yyyyMMdd". |
Vertical Zoom Trigger | Zooms the chart to the range specified by the Vertical Zoom Minimum and Maximum. To return the chart to its pre-zoom view, the user can click on the chart. Zooming works only with linear, log, and datetime axes. |
Video Controls | Specifies whether video controls are shown to the user. |
Virtuallayout | Enables virtual layout for a group repeater. |
Visible | Defines whether this component is visible. Regardless of value, the component affects layout and is stored in the user's browser memory. Because the component is stored in memory, performance might be affected. TRUE FALSE |
Volume | Changes the video player’s volume. You can bind to this property, or modify it as part of a recorded action. |
W | |
Weather Layer | |
Wedge Fills | Specify colors for the pie wedges in this series. Click Add to add a color. Click on a color to edit it. Colors are used in order, with the top color corresponding to the top row of table data. The Color Field property overrides this property. |
Wedge Label | Configures the text displayed in wedge labels for this series. Use the same tags you would use for a datatip. |
Weekday | Returns the day of the week as a number from 1 to 7. The number 1 represents Sunday, and the number 7 represents Saturday. |
Weekday Cells Bold | Specifies whether the text in weekday cells is bold. |
Weekday Cells Corner Radius | Defines the corner radius for weekday cells, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Weekday Cells Fill | Defines the fill for weekday cells. |
Weekday Cells Font | Specifies the font for numbers in weekday cells. |
Weekday Cells Font Color | Defines the font color for numbers in weekday cells. |
Weekday Cells Font Size | Defines the font size for numbers in weekday cells. |
Weekday Cells Italic | Specifies whether the text in weekday cells is italic. |
Weekday Cells Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining each weekday cell. |
Weekend Cells Bold | Specifies whether the text in weekend cells is bold. |
Weekend Cells Fill | Defines the fill for weekend cells. |
Weekend Cells Font | Specifies the font for numbers in calendar weekend cells. To add a new font to your project and use it for this property:
Weekend Cells Font Color | Defines the font color for numbers in weekend cells. |
Weekend Cells Font Size | Defines the font size for numbers in weekend cells. |
Weekend Cells Italic | Specifies whether the text in weekend cells is italic. |
Weekend Cells Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color or border image for outlining weekend cells. |
Weekend Corner Radius | Defines the corner radius for weekend cells, as arcs of circles or ellipses. The circles or ellipses are defined using a pixel value or percentage. A pixel value is the radius of a circle. A percentage value defines an ellipse with horizontal and vertical radii that are that percentage of the cell's width and height, respectively. A value of 0 means that corners are not rounded. |
Weekend Style | For internal use, do not change, |
Widget Group | Configures how the widget bar displays a widget that is composed of grouped components: when this proeprty is enabled, the widget bar displays the number of components in the group. |
Width | Retrieves the width of the usable portion of the user’s browser window in pixels. |
Withheader | Specifies whether the input table contains a header row. |
Word Wrap | Specifies whether overflow text wraps. Multiline text must be enabled for this property to take effect. |
Wrap | Defines whether components within this container can wrap when there is not enough space to fit them in a single row or column. When the Layout property is set to Vertical, components can wrap into columns. When the Layout property is set to Horizontal, components can wrap into rows. Nowrap Wrap Wrap-Reverse |
X | |
X Column | If 'One Column' is specified for x column selection, specifies the column to use. |
X Data Rule | Specifies how x axis column is selected. |
X Exclude | If 'Exclude Columns' is specified for x column selection, specifies the columns to exclude. |
X Field | Defines the table column from which the X values of the heat map data points are determined. Each X value is a distance in pixels from the left edge of the component. |
X Interval | |
X Offset | For callouts, the X offset for mouseover and event modes, relative to the position of the target. |
X Original Column | |
Y | |
Y Column | If 'One Column' is specified for y column selection, specifies the column to use. |
Y Data Rule | Specifies how y axis column is selected. |
Y Exclude | If 'Exclude Columns' is specified for y column selection, specifies the columns to exclude. |
Y Field | Specifies the table column that is mapped to the y-axis for this series. |
Y Offset | For callouts, the Y offset for mouseover and event modes, relative to the position of the target. |
Y Original Column | |
Year | |
Z | |
Zoom | Sets or returns the zoom level for the map. Zero is the lowest zoom level, in which the entire world can be seen in one map. For each map type, valid zoom levels are from 0 to the maximum zoom level for that location and map type. The maximum depends on available data and is typically between 18 and 21 for a given location and map type. |
Zoom Center Y | Y axis center for zoom operation. |
Zoom Centerx | X axis center for zoom operation |
Zoom Method | Specifies zoom by center point or rectangle. |
Zoom Mouse Enabled | Enables zooming using mouse wheel. |
Zoom Preview Visibility | SHow or hide the zoom tool. |
Zoom Rect H | Height of zoom rectangle |
Zoom Rect W | Width of zoom rectangle. |
Zoom Rect X | X axis center point of zoom rectangle. |
Zoom Rect Y | Y axis center point of zoom rectangle. |
Zoom Scale | Specifies the size of the zoom tool relative to its container. |
Zoom Tool Enabled | For container components, displays a small window that the user can use to navigate. |
Zoom Tool Position | Specifies the location of the zoom tool in its container. |
Zoomer Fill | Defines the fill of the zoom marquee. |
Zoomer Mode | Sets or returns the Zoomer Mode of the chart. Zoomer Modes allow the user to zoom in by dragging a marquee, and zoom out by clicking on the chart. Zoomer Modes work only with linear, log, and datetime axes. When any Zoomer Mode is enabled, both horizontal and vertical ranges can also be defined in the Property Inspector. None Horizontal Vertical Both Rectangle |
Zoomer Stroke Color | Defines the stroke color for the outline of the zoom marquee. |
Zoomer Stroke Style | Defines the stroke style for the outline of the zoom marquee. |
Zoomer Stroke Weight | Defines the stroke weight for the outline of the zoom marquee. |