Map Groups

To create layers that you can show and hide, add map group components to your Google Map and populate the map groups with the desired data. To show or hide a map group, set its visibility property to true or false. To add a single component to a map group, right-click the map group and choose Insert or create the component and drag it into the map group in the outline.

Positioning Components in Map Groups

To specify the location of a component in a map group, select the component and set its position properties to the desired coordinates, either centered or offset, as follows:

Centering a component at a location: Set its position properties as shown in the following figure, or go to Advanced properties and set its hCenter property to the desired latitude and vCenter to the desired longitude.

Align the side, top, or bottom of a component to a location:

Rather than centering a component, you can align its right or left side to a longitude and its top or bottom to a latitude as follows: set either the top or bottom to the desired latitude, and either the left or right side to the desired longitude, and disable the constraints for the opposite sides. The following figure shows the settings and results for offsetting and centering components using coordinates. To disable the constraint for a side, click the triangle for this side in the positioning box.