
Block Group: Table Operations
Icon: Transpose block icon

The Transpose block returns a new table that transposes the input table, so that the columns in the input table are rows in the output table. Optionally, you can set columns to omit from the output. You can also set an input column to be the header row of the output table.

Input/Output Properties

The following properties of the Transpose block can take input and give output.

input receives the table that you want to transpose.

ignoreColumns specifies the names of columns in the input table to ignore when transposing, as comma-separated values.

headerColumn specifies the column from the input table to use as headers in the output table.

includeHeaders specifies whether the header row from the input table is included as a column in the output table.

headerPrefix specifies the text string to include before the column number, for each column header in the output table. The headerPrefix property works only when the headerColumn property is null.

Output Property

The following property of the Transpose block can give output but cannot take input.


The following image shows an example of the Transpose block.

Transpose block example