Overview of DSA

DSA connects devices, services, and applications into a real-time data model to support analytics, device-to-device communication, distributed computing, and application development. Detailed information about DSA is available on the DSA home page.

DSA represents the entities in the system as one of the following types:

DSA supports the following data types:

Upstream and Downstream Connections

A broker can be either upstream or downstream from another broker. A downstream entity requests permission, and an upstream entity grants or refuses that permission. A broker is always upstream from its DSLinks. Upstream and downstream connections are important concepts to understand when you configure permissions for multiple servers or for multiple brokers on one server.

To connect to an upstream broker using product, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Data pane, expand the sys node, right-click upstream and choose Add Upstream Connection.
  2. Specify connection settings as follows:
  3. To remove the downstream broker from quarantine, log into the upstream broker, choose sys > quarantine > Deauthorize, and specify the downstream broker.

Installing DSA

To install DSA, follow the steps for your target plaform:

Installing and Updating a DSLink

To install a DSLink in Solution Builder:

  1. In the Data panel, right-click the sys > links node.
  2. Choose Install Link and choose an installation method: If you have a link to a ZIP file, choose from Url. If you have a ZIP file to upload, choose from Zip. If the link can be found in IOT-DSA on Github, choose from Repository.
  3. Specify a name for the new DSLink.
  4. Without moving the mouse pointer away from the pop-up window, click Invoke. When the link has been successfully installed, a "Success" message is displayed.
  5. To start the link, right-click the link under sys > links and choose Start Link.
  6. When the link has started successfully, it is listed under the downstream node.

To update a DSLink:

  1. In the Data panel, right-click the link under sys > links.
  2. Choose Update, choose an update type, and click Invoke.