This topic describes the functions that you can use to handle XML data.
Function | Description and Example |
XML.parse(str) |
Converts an XML string into XML elements. var xml = XML.parse('<p id="a">b</p>'); In the above example, the value of var is the XML object <p id="a">b</p>. If this object is sent to an output property of the Script dataflow block, the object is converted to a string, and the block property holds a string. |
XML.stringify(xmlElement) |
Converts XML elements into an XML string The following example returns the string <p id="a">b</p>. var xml = XML.parse('<p id="a">b</p>'); @.a = XML.stringify(xml); |
query(str) |
Returns the first matching element. The following example returns <item>ITEM 1</item>. var xml = XML.parse('<items><item>ITEM 1</item><item>ITEM 2</item></items>'); xml.query('item'); |
queryAll(str) |
Returns a List of matching elements. The following example returns <item>ITEM 1</item>, <item>ITEM 2</item>. var xml = XML.parse('<items><item>ITEM 1</item><item>ITEM 2</item></items>'); var items = xml.queryAll('item'); @.a = items.join(', '); |
children |
Returns a List of all children. The following example returns B 1,<c>C 1</c>. var xml = XML.parse('<a><b>B 1<c>C 1</c></b><b>B 2</b></a>'); var ch = xml.query('b').children; return ch.join(','); |
elements |
Returns a list of children elements. The following example returns <c>C 1</c>. var xml = XML.parse('<a><b>B 1<c>C 1</c></b><b>B 2</b></a>'); var el = xml.query('b').elements; return el.join(','); |
name |
Returns the name of an element. The following example returns a. var xml = XML.parse('<a b="1">A</a>'); return; |
data |
Returns the data of an element, when the element is a data node. The text function is strongly recommended instead of the data function. The following example returns A. var xml = XML.parse('<a b="1">A</a>'); return xml.children[0].data; |
text |
Returns the text of an element. Checks whether the node is a data node or has a data node as a child. The following example returns A. var xml = XML.parse('<a b="1">A</a>'); return xml.text; |
getAttribute(str) |
Returns an attribute value. The following example returns 1. var xml = XML.parse('<items><item att="1">A</item></items>'); var item = xml.query('item'); var att = item.getAttribute('att'); return att; |
remove |